i have a 289 with c-4 and it has a 164 tooth flywheel. i have the stock original starter on this car now because I cant get the two mini hight torque starters to work correctly they don't wanna disengage properly.they are both for a auto matic car. i was wonder if I need to try a manual transmission starter ? i heard some have a shorter nose. if so which one do I need thanks
Short nose, manual starter will never engage on a automatic. Is wiring correct? Starter cable must be moved to battery side of solenoid & starter post connected to actuator post on top of starter. I've seen cases that the two were wired together, won't disengage properly. I have PMGR starters on both my '72 Comet 157T & the 164T in my '96 F-150.
Here’s some information that maybe helpful. https://www.moderndriveline.com/which-starter-fits-a-ford-small-block-t5-tko-conversion/ https://www.foxstang.com/installing-ford-mini-starter-foxbody/
krazycomet i did a small jump wire from the big and little connectors on the starter. i will try your method when I get time thanks
You didn't say what you meant exactly by not disengaging properly. If it is not clearing the flywheel totally after startup, you may need to shim the starter. Mine was still dinging off of the flywheel after the Bendix retracted and at first I thought it a bad rebuild. That happened to me on my 6 banger when I replaced the starter. Supposedly according to what I was told, it is not uncommon for the older Ford engines for this to happen with non factory replacements due to tolerance differences. Shim plates are still readily available.
incorrectly wired, the residual voltage created by spinning armature in PMGR starter holds the drive engaged for a period of time before retracting. Wiring must be altered to mirror the circuit BBMS18 posted, orig field type starter setup cannot be used.