Hey guys, New Maverick owner here! I have everything running well in my 74 2-door (new carb, alternator, wires, plugs, dist. cap, points, battery, volt. regulator, belt, shocks) and now I want to replace the radio. I have searched the message boards but I can't seem to find any reference to other people having problems removing the original radios. Is there any way to get the radio out without cutting it out and removing it from the front? I got underneath the dash and I can't figure out how to get the radio free. I think there are some screws/bolts on top of the radio behind the dash? Forgive my ignorance. This is the first car I have actually worked on myself, and thank God my neighbors are experienced with maintaining vehicles, or I would have some really stupid questions on this forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Pull the knobs off and use a deep 1/2 inch socket (I think it's 1/2 inch) to remove the nut on each post ... The radio will come out the back.
there is a bracket in the dash that attaches to the rear of the radio. after you remove the knobs,unscrew the nut holding the radio to the bezel. there are screws holding the radio bezel to the dash that can be removed if you need to. next undo the small nut that is holding the rod coming off of the rear of the radio. your radio will now slide right out.