Project - BetterThanitWas

Discussion in 'Maverick/Comet Projects' started by plynch, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    '72 Maverick
    Finally ready to start sharing progress on the '72 2-door Maverick with a 302 I purchased in early September.

    Backstory: Got the opportunity to purchase/ work on an old car. We just moved, so I now have garage space to make a mess of, and somehow became obsessed with the Maverick. After the blessing from the misses, (more of a "Why the hell are you asking? Go for it.") I started seriously looking and then embarked on the insane 18+ hour journey from NH to Iowa for the car. I wanted the road trip, but realize in hindsight that I could've easily spent 1/2 as much on a delivery service. But hey, I've never been to Iowa.

    Took a surprisingly loaded U-Haul pickup out which was a nice surprise. I was a bit nervous picking up the truck, some of these smaller vendors are picky about how their fleet get handled, but once I told him where and what I was going to do with it, he was super excited for me.

    Stopped in (I can't even remember) 75% there, did the rest the next day, picked up a flatbed in the city, and picked it up. The guy I met was super nice, who had an absolutely flawless mustang fastback in the garage (can't recall the year) and gave me a bit of background in the driveway.

    It was previously owned by a guy for 18-ish years sitting in Georgia. Prior, I'm not sure if that guy had owned it longer and it just sat for that time, or if he bought it then, either way, he sold it to the guy i bought it off for, and it sat for almost another year. It still ran (albeit hardly) and he didn't have the time for it and opted for another mustang restoration instead, lucky me! I stupidly did not bring a battery, which made for a humorous trip onto the flatbed, having to hook up a charger, get it started, roll it 2 feet, start again etc.

    Once loaded and signed for, I headed back, stopped again in some hotel town, then to Rochester, NY, where a buddy lived. Said hello, then did the rest that night into town, stopping only for gas and a Harbor Freight for bungies and zip ties, where the exhaust hanger let go somewhere along the way.

    Got home, left it on the trailer, woke up, put it on a charger, and decided the thing was toast, and that it idled super high (presumably a vacuum leak I couldn't ID on the spot) But either way, bought a new juice box, rad cap and overflow hose as it was immediately pissing out the radiator after it got to temp and had nothing but the nipple below the cap. Since I've read these guys never had overflow tanks which will be addressed at some point.

    Now: I've pushed hard for 6-ish weeks since on documenting progress which I hope to share here in photos and video I've got backlogged. A bit of it's crude upfront, the equipment I had wasn't ideal or very structured. My brain can be working on 3 things at once which is certainly not conducive to progress haha. But now I believe I'm closing in on the "let's put it back together" than the tear it apart phase.

    My goals are to make it a sudo-daily driver. I want to be able to go cruising downtown with it, go to the store, or take it on a 2 hour road trip with little/no issues. Not looking to go to shows with it (although that'd be cool one day), race it, or alter it's overall aesthetic too much aside from some modern-day upgrades. My timeline for a minimum of "I can drive it without issue" is next September. I'm getting married and would love to be able to drive it there/ back up north because I mean, come on that'd be cool.

    That all being said, I'm way behind on all I've done so far, so here it is in no particular order:

    - new battery
    - new Rad cap
    - aftermarket gauges set for troubleshooting.
    - Removed non-OEM buckets
    - had a beer
    - removed heaterbox/AC mess
    - Cursed at heaterbox
    - Removed rear bench
    - Removed rear interior panels/crusty package tray (no speakers) and all seatbelts
    - Removed driver side kick panel (pass. side not included)
    - Gutted rug/ jute/rubber matting (what a chore)
    - Had two beers
    - removed/ rebuilt 2100 (yet to be re-installed)
    - Removed all heater hoses (for heater box removal mostly, but will replace all)
    - Questioned if I was getting too far into 12 different things
    - Made a stiff drink
    - Rust Bullet (what a product) fiberglass mat/cloth/ more rust bullet on floor pan rust
    - Cursed my lack of fiberglass resin skills
    - Ripped up non-hardening resin
    - Re-fiberglassed with cloth/mat using Rust Bullet as resin (what a difference)
    - Made several stiff drinks
    - Removed valve covers, cursed and blew through a dozen rags cleaning off what I assume to be 50 years of gunk/ carbon with various implements, scraped and new gaskets/ re-installed.
    - Removed 14" tires, purchased new 15x7 wheels
    - checked windshield/cowl leak, leak on passenger side/ center.
    - Removed cracked windshield/ sealant/ clips
    - cleaned out cowl with compressor, bending time/space to reach up through the pass. cowl vent
    - Checked Cowl for leaks using a very scientific method with a watering can. (success, leak was from ancient windshield seal missing chunks.
    - Removed headlights (one needs a new harness)
    - removed instrument cluster (needs refurb/circuit board I think/ no lighting)
    - Installed Oil sending adapter for gauge cluster/ idiot light sensor reinstalled
    - Installed coolant sensor
    - Cursed at myself again
    - had a beer.
    - Took a wire brush to tons of surface rust/ carbon throughout
    - Bought a tac
    - broke instrument cluster fuse trying to check it while installing tac.

    Geez there's probably a bit more, but here's what I've surmised in my time:

    - At some point in its life, it was in an accident on the front pass. side. Front quarter panel is replaced, pass. door is from a comet. Possibly pieces of the grill replaced/ damaged as some mounts are busted. I quickly put the pieces together realizing that entire side was previously yellow, and the entire thing resprayed.

    - Someone clearly did not bother with prep.
    - Engine bay lip is yellow
    - Pass. door hinge area is yellow
    - pass. headlight mount area is yellow (also explains why the harness was crudely electrical taped together/ non-functioning)
    - Green paint over the front directionals (or orange lights beneath the headlights). Seriously, at first glance I had no idea they were lights they were so sprayed over.
    - Sticker on interior pass. door panel is covered in green paint.

    - Assuming it had a vinyl top/ cowl replaced. OR, someone was planning on painting them differing colors. Cowl area and roof are a light green primer color, not as dark as the rest of the car.

    That being said, it's a 4Q dark green metallic. Tough to tell if it was resprayed the exact color, but it's close. Will be readdressing much later. It's got surface rust/ patina/ peeling here and there. Not even in the top 20 of priorities at this point.

    Unfortunately, I'm a writer, so this is already far too long, but I wanted to start from the outset with what I could for anyone looking for the overview down the road. I'll add some photos to close it for this one.

    Thanks for reading and I look forward to catching up on posting photos/video soon.

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    Maverick Dude, gator25 and yellow75 like this.
  2. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    '72 Maverick
    IMG_20210910_191521.jpg IMG_20210911_140701.jpg

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  3. yellow75

    yellow75 MCCI Oregon State Rep Supporting Member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Too much work not enough beer , lol . When you pick one of these cars up there is always something that has been done but not done correctly and that is what makes it challenging. One tree at a time and you will get it done
    plynch likes this.
  4. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    '72 Maverick
    Haha, I quickly discovered there's quite some merit to holding a can and standing there staring while I ponder what to do, why, how, if I can, and then shaking my head.
  5. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    '72 Maverick
    - Removed dash parts/ dash completely.
    - Painted dash/ trim with SEM black paint on recommendation.
    - Reinstalled dash
    - Tore heater box apart/ refurbished (attempt) Covered in rust bullet (not quite sure why)
    - Discovered heater box is warped, put mustang repro box on xmas list and was told not to buy?
    - Had a kid. Time off, but not for Maverick.
    - Winter is here. Hope is low.
    - Looking into A/C parts to finalize dash assembly.
    - Bought eBay disc conversion kit. Enjoying staring at the boxes.
    - Just bought replacement repro heater/defrost vent duct (10ft), oil filter, plug wires.
    - Spilled wine on my keyboard, keys are typewriter-esque now.
    - Determined to start her up this month, for better or worse.
    CA189HJN likes this.
  6. 71gold

    71gold Frank Cooper Supporting Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    '73 Grabber
    I like the sun burst in the picture...looks like a Heavenly glow.
    when my Son totaled out my truck I had a similar picture. it looks like it's being called to truck Heaven...LOL

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  7. Constable

    Constable You have the right to remain silent....or not!

    Feb 15, 2021
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    1975 Maverick 4 door, 1994 Mustang GT convertible
    Great read. I can surely relate especially to the frustration. I think most of us can. Thus why I put a sign outside of my garage regarding being cautious for flying tools. I have a good bottle of scotch for just such occasions.
    plynch likes this.
  8. CA189HJN

    CA189HJN Robert Couse-Baker

    Jan 12, 2018
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    1973 Ford Maverick 4-door 302
    This resonates with my Maverick experience, particularly the frustration and beer. This is going to be a cool Maverick. Keep us posted.
    plynch likes this.
  9. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    '72 Maverick
    January Update:

    Slow progress. Did NOT start anything in December. It's cold, and the holidays happened. We lost heat right before Christmas and had to troubleshoot a bad Aquastat, fun stuff. Thankfully we had enough electric heater equip and it wasn't too cold. The joys of homeownership.

    Anything above 30° is tolerable in the garage with a space heater on. Another one's on the way next week to assist. I've been roughly documenting via video which I have to post soon in pieces as well, but it's not great. I'm also finishing the above-garage loft space for a rehearsal/studio setup. There's a propane heater up there hooked to the tank so when it's cold, it takes precedent.

    - Installed disc conversion kits without a hitch back in November/December. Now need to install new M/S, prop valve and inevitably mess with lines there as needed which I'm not looking forward to.

    - Removed original fan/ bought clutch and new fan.
    - Bought the majority of Vintage Air's kit Gen IV? I believe. I bought it in pieces as I didn't want the evap box, but now considering it as mine isn't in the best of shape, still haven't decided on what to do there despite the advice. Would love to refurb it.
    - Bought Vintage Air bracket for compressor, stopped when I realized I needed the P/S bracket in conjunction to finish the job. After that, stopped when I realized I needed a pulley puller to get the stock bracket off pump. Stopped when I decided it was bone dry, probably bad, and bought a new pump on the way. A few videos say I can rebuild, but not much luck. With a stock repro as cheap as they are, I went for it. I'd rather know it's me, and not the pump when I inevitably have to troubleshoot something else down the line.

    - Removed radiator. Tranny lines were a bear, but got them off. Buy line wrenches folks. Buy them. Do it. Also, know there's two bites for two wrenches so you're not twisting the lines. I was quite confused until I dug around to find out. Also, there was a massive spring in the bottom rad hose/engine block when I pulled it??? I must be missing something there.

    - Removed stock fan, bought new clutch/fan. Waiting to reinstall until I add in A/C parts. I'm trying to figure out what will make sense first to last. I'd rather not install stuff realizing I did it in the wrong order with no room etc. But it's tough.

    - Bought new 100amp 3g (Tuff stuff?) alt. It's a 1-wire, which I forgot about. Have to research how to convert as old was 3. (1 ground, two to alt) Was easy enough to remove the old, and all belts. I'm slightly concerned about new belts as I think I can still go with 2 per diagrams I've seen. But with the new A/C setup, I'll have to research/string test? proper lengths.

    - Bought a siphon for the lovely trunk gas tank. Someone long ago bypassed the OEM, and there's a giant hole in the floor where they ran the hose into the original hard line. It's got some stuff floating in there that might cure cancer, or hangovers, or maybe at least start a fire. That being said, I'd rather it not be near the car. Considering adding a second fuel filter under the hood, and trying my luck with the OEM, would rather not undertake a new tank install. It's bone dry as well. Additionally, I got a lovely new Maverick repro gas cap for XMAS, but the metal retaining ring/receiver is a bit bent, and I can't find them for sale anywhere. I also have a blank it came with lying in the trunk that wasn't attached when I got it.

    - Hmm what else. Took cluster apart to refurb per Tech article. More inside projects are key, although going as slow as the garage ones. Painted the cover silver for the rings, and bought the proper 3mm tape to cover them up for the black stuff, and immediately stripped the paint off, totally discouraged, will try again after a few more coats? Or clear. Not sure. Tape isn't too intense either. I also cracked the back a bit as one of the mounting screws is stuck on good. What I can't see won't hurt me is my moto. Also superglue. Also have a new circuit board and will be buying new LEDs for all.

    - Bought a new pass side door trigger, popped in perfectly, checked connection, but won't run it until I'm ready for more interior work.

    - Bought package tray/insulation/mounting brackets. Kicking myself I did not know they weren't ported for speakers. Will find out how to cut those out later.

    - Reinstalled "freshly" painted stat housing/new stat with proper goo and gasket. Tough to get to one of those bolts with the A/C bracket in. Unfastened the bracket for better access. I've decided anything I remove/ cleanup and reinstall I'm painting ford blue. Not perfect, but it makes me laugh. It'll also tell me what I've touch and what I haven't. So far, the 1/4 eaten battery tray, the stat housing, painted the Vintage air brackets a gray I'm not fond of, but what's done is done. Might be something else but I forgot.

    - Bought a new antenna but won't mount until more put together. I think the radio will be one of the final touches. I don't mind looking at it on the fender there.

    - Not looking forward to the seal kit install on the tranny in the cold. Car is up on jack stands but not too high up. Complete purge onto cardboard over the last 4.5 months.

    - Considering oil change soon while I have ample access from above to filter. I imagine I'll pull a muscle trying to get this one off. Who knows how long it's been on. But have oil/ filter (2) ready to go. I've been told by many expect to check and change often in the first few after it's on the road. There had to be decades of gak on the valve covers and just about everything else I've pulled apart so far. Good stuff.

    - Clear coated the dash as I quickly realized I missed that step. Total wash. Can had been sitting out in the cold, and even after shaking it for 5 min it came out initially in a stream. I'm a moron. Just the top of it so far after taping it off, but now considering trying to redo it. No biggie considering everything else that needs to be done.

    - Not that I'm close, but still torn on seats. The buckets it came with I'm not sure where they're from, but they're a bit meh, and were never installed properly (literally just mounted into the bench seat holes, two each). Would love some more original looking buckets on tracks. Rear bench is ripped down a seam, not quite ON the seam, so an upholstery shop visit may be necessary if I can't figure out how to tackle myself.

    - Bought a 3rd party exhaust hanger I put in months ago, forgot to mention that. Definitely not a permanent fix.

    - I think my next plan of attack is the M/S install, or at least removal of the former, and re-watching videos for the 47th time on M/S - Prop installs. Should be a barrel of laughs. Then the condenser, dryer, compressor, etc. Then fan/rad/ shroud (which I bought way back in October) and pray it all fits. Remember, I've pieced together this was an original A/C car where someone removed it all, probably should've just let it lie. But I like my creature comforts, and a challenge, and banging my head against walls. I doubt i'll be able to charge it myself, but that's for another day.

    - Tires, tires would be nice. After the tranny seal fix (maybe) I'll get rubber, and then see if she wants to give me some life. After I put everything else necessary back together of course.

    Pictures and rambly videos to come.
  10. 71gold

    71gold Frank Cooper Supporting Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    '73 Grabber
    is this a late year 72'?
    the passenger door panel and rear panel look's 73' and up.
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  11. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    '72 Maverick
    72 as far as I know, however it's clearly been in an accident sometime in its life as the inner passenger side fender and door are yellow where they skipped around the hinge areas, headlight socket is busted, poor respray job, and the pass side door are clearly replacements as you noticed! I'm guessing possibly the bumper as well, as I just discovered there was a brief in-between with the style for 73 as I have, but not sure if it's stock or not/ replaced when the fender/door was done.

    I haven't chased down the VIN for the exact rundown, but from what I know it's a (mostly) original 72. But I'm having fun piecing together the puzzle of what the heck happened to this one!
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  12. 71gold

    71gold Frank Cooper Supporting Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    I changed to the early... front bumper, early package tray and doors on my 73'.
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  13. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Took a short break while I finish the above-garage loft for a small recording studio. Hobbies are expensive. Also, my desktop's SSD seems to have kicked it or become corrupted after a lovely Windows update. So I'm waiting for a new one on order to recover it to in order to get my editing PC back up and running for photos/video I've been taking to document.

    - Drained oil/replaced filter while I had adequate access from above with P/S off. Haven't filled it yet as it won't be running for a while. Had to stab the thing with a pick to turn it. I've yet to have an oil filter wrench work in my favor for anything i've owned. Brute strength or stabbing them seems to be better for time and the mind.

    - Installed Dryer, condenser, re-installed rad, in prep for compressor/bracketing.

    - Attempted install on new fan w/ clutch. Upon install, I cross/threaded the water pump receiving-end with new bolts I purchased as the clutch came with none. I didn't realize the original fan bolts and new bolts were a different thread count before I forced them. OOPS. Replacing the pump was already previously suggested, so I bought a flowkooler. Purchased with new bolt kit for good measure as I know a few are in direct contact with moisture/coolant etc. Old one came off no problem thankfully. Scraped, sealer/gasket, installed to spec torque. (purchase new digital torque wrench which is good peace of mind)

    - Re-installed fan/clutch

    - Bought a new P/S pump, swapped pulley. Had to buy two pulley puller/install kits to get it to fit right. After celebrating the long-awaited install of the pump with the Vintage Air compressor bracket/ compressor/ P/S bracket/ P/S pump, I realized the inlet on the back is male, and the hose end is male. Took a look at the old pump...female. Crap. Didn't have a socket set big enough to take it apart more to see if it's got anything I can transfer onto the new one, but doubtful. Not sure what to do there yet.

    - Realized with A/C compressor on, I need a 2-pulley on the water pump to accommodate. Ordered from Summit, should be here today.

    - Removed fan/clutch/water pump pulley, again, in disappointment.

    - Was loathing the real elephant which I have been meaning to address all this time of replacing M/S as I've installed front discs. Drained as best I could, managed to remove from what I remembered in videos. Currently working on removing current distro block to replace with prop valve I have. Trying to be careful.

    - "Refurbed" heater-A/C box as best I could with fiberglass mat, other materials I'm embarrassed to admit. MacGyvered aftermarket drainage hose to box as the nipple was snapped clean off sometime probably before I was born. Half-ass tested it by holding it upright and hosing some water down it to check for leaks outside. Nothing but net, so I'll take my chances for now. I really won't know until the A/C is on full blast for a while I'd guess, but it seems solid. Not quite sure how much they fill up but what I have now is flush with the inside so little standing water will be in there.
    This was really the one project I was procrastinating on, as I wasn't sure on how to go about it, but it was also the first step to getting the rest of the under-dash back together, which has been apart for some time now.

    - Bought plastic adhesion promoter which is what I should've done first with repainting cluster. Tackling next.

    - Bought siphon, but upon temporarily removing fuel pump for P/S reasons, it created a vacuum, so I just let it trickle out into a gas can for a few, whatever works!

    - Curious as to if I can/should filter up on the fuel line and pour some into the original gas tank to reuse it. I want my trunk back. And now have to fix the gaping hole someone made for the fuel cell. Not sure how intense a replacement would be.

    Now that it's getting warmer out here, I'm going to dig in more frequently and hope to make some legitimate progress. It's been slow going. Mini split is coming soon though, so that should help with heat/cooling.

    More to come.
    CA189HJN and 71gold like this.
  14. CA189HJN

    CA189HJN Robert Couse-Baker

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Sacramento, California
    1973 Ford Maverick 4-door 302
    Nice work, Sir.
    Don't try to use any old gas unless the outside world looks like Mad Max, in which case, what have you got to lose? Seriously, after a few months, gasoline decays into varnishy, stinky liquids that aren't good as motor fuels.
    plynch likes this.
  15. plynch

    plynch Member

    Aug 24, 2021
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    '72 Maverick
    Definitely not! I'll probably just use it for fire starter so I can get my can back. Wasn't much more than a gallon if that.

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