Hey guys, I just started looking around to replace my battery straps. The battery is not secure enough and the jostling is causing the battery to leak a little. I though maybe it was just the battery but I replaced it and new one is leaking a little too. I just wanted to see if anybody out there had any good/original suggestions on replacing the tray/straps before I do a little "Southern engineering" on it. Thanks guys,
there is a new battery tray and hold down kit on ebay, fairly reasonable price or look in auto krafters.
I just installed a new battery tray and hold downs in my 74 last night after fiberglassing up a rust hole underneath the original tray. Got them both from AK .... Much safer than the bungie cord I had in there for the last couple of months ...
I removed the old tray and glassed it up, just like Dan. Seems to work well, and you can finish the glass to look very good. For less than $30 or so, it is a very good way to go.
I will go look for a new one tonight at a couple of local stores. The original has already been replaced, so I will just try to find one that works for now. Thanks again guys.