I have lost the little riser/leveling blocks for my front bucket seats. Any available or alternative suggestions?
I made my own. For each one I set the seats in the car and used shims to get the seats in the exact position and height I wanted them. Then measured how long to make each of them. I then took 2 thick fender washers, about 1 1/2" ones, and cut some thick electrical conduit pipe to length need. MIG welded them together. Best description of the look of the finished spacer would be like a sewing thread spool. Painted them black and it worked perfectly.
The above post sounds like a good idea. I would add that those spacers don't have to be round just because Ford did it that way. Some 1-inch square tubing would probably work too...
If I remember correctly, the ones in my car were larger and contoured to the floor. Im sure we can build something. I was just hoping to find original style. Thanks for the input
Here is a tech article I did about the later seat tracks. The hardware blocks for the driver seat are similar to the early cars. What got different about the later cars is that the passenger seat track was in the regular floor mounted height but the inboard (trans side) track was placed HIGHER. The seat bottom was lop-sided with two different planes the tracks moved in. This got the inner seat track up and over the bulge for the catalytic converter. http://mmb.maverick.to/resources/cat-hump-bucket-seat-tracks.128/