Last summer I had a shop that specializes in classic cars find a short in my engine bay I dont know why I said okay when he suggested going back to points call it power of suggestion. It ran great for a short while I heard a metalic pop from the the muffler? I nursed the car home and the points were fried. I took it back he refused to take accountability I had him fix it again with the same results. Summers here and my friend who has done a lot of work on my car is frustrated I dont believe the guy ever solved the problem do you folks have any suggestions? I put over $5,000. dollars in improvements I have cancer and I'm selling it and I don't want the buyer to have regrets I want them to know it's a dependable car.
Too much voltage to the points would be my guess. Usually there is a point of resistance in the ignition circuit that drops the voltage by about half. Not sure how it's done in these cars but I think it's internal to the coil. If not, it's a resitor wire feeding the coil.
If the resistor wire was removed when it was converted to electronic ignition, that is likely the problem. Points (and even Duraspark) are supposed to operate on about 8 volts (12 volts during cranking only). Are the points actually fried? Or did they close up? I have heard that todays chinese-made replacement breaker points have a rubbing block material that is too soft and will fail after only a month or so...
Sorry to hear about your health issues.. Obviously you need another mechanic, appears to be throwing parts at it in hopes of fixing problem. As already stated, likely the resistor(Ford used a resistance wire in harness) has been bypassed. A full 12v will burn the points in a K mile or so, also common to damage coil. Worn rubbing block can be because of cheap construction(nylon vs bakelite), overheating points will cause the nylon rubbing block to wear in short order.
Thanks guys I remember there is a wealth of knowledge here. I've one more question does anyone know or have a wiring harness I could buy for the alternator for a 74 Maverick with a 302 that fits? The one in Atuokrafters Maverick catalog will not work I'd even pay extra to airmail it to me time is critical for me now. I only made about four car shows last summer and would like to sell my car to a good owner. I'm going through my 2nd round with chemo I asked my onocoligist what's the plan after chemo radiation or surgery he replied neither the cancer's between your esophagus and aorta and behind or backside a difficult spot. I need to check out Ozone therapy in Pocatello Idaho if I can get the Maverick running good and my comicbook collection sold otherwise my friend inherits the Maverick
Sorry to hear about your health. Everyone has it right with the resistor wire probably being bypassed. The easy and long lasting fix is to swap out the points with a Pertronix kit. The Pertronix is made to run on the full voltage. Whatever set up you have, you need to make sure you have the right coil. Their web site has full information and detailed instructions ............ PerTronix Electronic Ignition Points Conversion Kit | Never Replace Points Again – Pertronix (