I have been trying to find out what this red button is! Personally I think it is a self distruct button so I have been afraid to push it. The wires leaving the box lead up to the wiring behind a headlight. Any ideas on what this may be would be helpful. I'm also putting a picture of my mav with this. I know how everybody likes pictures and this is the first picture taken of my Maverick. This is the first time I have attempted to upload picture so bear with me. Ignore the "beverage" spill on the ground in the second pic. Thanks, Scott
That would be the disconbobulator switch. :bananaman Might want to trace down the wires and see where they go exactly.
Its a seat belt over ride switch. Supposedly in 74 you had to fasten the seat belt to start the engine. This was for the mechanic who was working under the hood to bypass the system.
dennis, that sounds "good" but can you present documation to substantiate that statement? ...frank...
Apply a$$ to seat, and see if it starts....then get out and see if it doesn't. Push switch. All bets are off if it is broken!!!!!
The seatbelt wiring has already been bypassed so I can't test the button ... that sounds right though. I'll try to trace the wires better and see what I can find.
Definitely the seatbelt overide ... Only 74's had them ... Look in your Chilton's on page 51 ... they even have the proper way of overriding this annoying feature.
Hmm, somebody must have done gehtto rigged our car to start without the seat belts buckled. I got alot of odd ball wiring to go through someone has rigged up under that dash...
I don't know, but both of my 74's had it, neither had to have the seat belt attached to start, however the damn buzzer would drive you mad. Fastening the seatbelt helped sometimes... Probably as Mavaholic says, no reason to think otherwise. I like the MIB answer... "and no matter what, never press the red button"