I was just interviewed today for an article about Ford Mavericks/Mercury Comets as "Sleeper" cars for a magazine called Special Interest Auto, a publication put out by Hemmings Motor News. The article will be in their June issue he said.
The editor told me that they are making a big effort to revamp the magazine and to get it out on more newstands. Hopefully by then it will be more visible and more available.
SIA is a Hemmings imprint, and they have been printing road tests about cars for years. Their archives go back into the 60s, and they road test cars all the way back to the beginning of manufacture. They are even publishing books now that are a compilation of the magazine articles collected from the archives. It's not uncommon to see road tests of Model Ts, Hupmobiles, Hudsons, Nashes, etc. They report on everything. Some of the books that they have, compiling all these road tests include Buicks, Caddillacs, Corvettes, Postwar Chevy, Pre-war Chrysler, Pre-war Fords, Hudsons, independents, Lincolns, Mercurys, Packards, Studebakers, etc. Their road tests really cover everything, including 4 door sedans, wagons, and other, to our mind, really pedestrian cars. They, by and large, are not big in the performance car, sports car or musclecar markets as much as other publishers. There is a chance Craig, that your comments will land in a book someday.
Hemmings Moto News... I grew up with Hemmings Motor News as my Dad has had a subscription since the early 70's. I would say that 10 yrs. ago Hemmings was almost a bible for the collector car industry. It was a resource for vehicle pricing, parts availability as well as educational columns. The latest issue on the back of my porcelein desk chair in my personal library says that the publication will be undergoing a transition to more of a magazine. They hinted at features more like what Craig seems to have been interviewed for. I suspect that the internet has cut into their subscription base quite a bit over the past few years. E-bay alone has probably put a sizeable dent in their advertising revenue of parts for sale. For those who have never read it, it is like classified ads for EVERY thing that has a wheels or is/was motor powered. Good job Craig!!!! Keep up the good work. Seth
Agree Seth. Look at the number of parts classifieds that are from businesses instead of individuals these days. Almost everything in the Mustang section comes from KAR, Auto Krafters, Perogie Enterprises and a handful of other overpriced vendors. Kinda like when your local auto shopper becomes a haven for dealer used car ads.
Hey Max I make a living off selling ads in the local auto shopper to the used car dealers...so be kind.
Craig, maybe Doug will lend you his Used Car Saleman's suit (as described in the thread about racing at the Rounduop). Then you could cut out the middle man and sell the cars yourself.