so i'm putting a 302 in my car soon and i need to get a 302 clutch z-bar. i know auto krafters sell them but i want to get some dementions from you guys before so i can try to make one. that way i wont have to spend $130 on a new one. i already figured out how to convert a 200 z-bar into a 250 z-bar. now i want to convert that 250 z-bar into a 302 z-bar. so just post some of the demetions if you could that would be great. thanks alot.
Sorry ... but the 250 z-bar is not the same ... If you do a search I have posted pictures of all 3 type of z-bars 170/200, 250 and 302 are all unique ...
i stand corrected, sirs. i should prolly check the ford master parts and accessories catalog first before shooting my mouth off, eh?
sorry, but don't no nutin' about z bars...dan, ain't you out of town? good thing terry and i wern't talking 'bout you...frank...
Yeah .. but sis has DSL and the Computer is in the guest room with me. Leaving to go up to Orlando shortly .... See you or Chris on Thursday ..... Dan