Anyone have a photo or diagram of the emergency brake system of an early Maverick('70)? I need to know what parts are missing and how the cables are routed. Please post or email to me.
Everything from the front cable hookup on back. I probably have most of it, but I ashamed to say it's been so long apart, I don't remember how it goes. Thanks for the response.
Ok, I give up. Where is Jeannette, PA? I live in York, about 25 miles south of Harrisburg. Just so happens my car is up on jackstands right now, so if I can get my cheap camera to focus that close....
Geeze Barry, go down to the local fire department and get them to use the Jaws of Life to pry open that wallet and buy a cheap digital camera.
I have two old Vivatar 1.3 megapixel cameras. They're fixed focus so anything closer than about three feet is blurred. If I jack the car up that high it'll go through the ceiling. I want to get a new camera but I keep going back and forth if I want to get a 3 Mp now or wait a little bit until the 4 Mp or 5 Mps come down in price. Decisions, decisions.
OK. can anybody scan in a sketch of the emergency brake cables? By the way 3 megapixels can give you nice 5x7 prints. Unless you're doin portraits or something. Most cameras that size have macro settings. My little Nikon Coolpix 2000 does and its only 2.1 mp.
These are off of my 1972 Grabber. Email me and I can email you some more pictures as well. Email me directly if interested: Craig(a) I have a picture (scanner not hooked up) of a hand drawn sketch of where everything goes. The rest is pictures of the hardware installed. I hope these help.
Thanks everybody! It's nice to know there's people willing to take the time to try and help out and old gearhead like me. Thanks especially to Barry and Craig.