More engine problems today ... screw it ... putting a roller crate in there ...
I know I thought seriously about ordering that engine instead of building one. Would have saved some money.
how close to you are they? one of the things i look at is what's it going to take to return it or get some help. i like to go as local as i can. i see they are in ga. too.probably a good street motor using regular gas with 9-1 compression.
30 minute drive ... Looks like the oil pan will work ... wonder if my pulleys will bolt up the the damper. I know they have them all in there showroom so I'll have to look. Also includes Flywheel which is a nice bonus to go with my toploader ...
Dan, I've read somewhere that that engine is no. 1 favorite of guys who build replica Cobras. It is a good engine from all that I've read. Before you buy from Mustangs Unlimited, check with Year One, Barnett Perfromance, and Billy Howel Ford/Lincoln/Mercury (Cumming) All three are local and Ford Racing delaers. I've found, on a lot of stuff, that Barnett is as cheap or cheaper than Summit. They are located downtown, off Memorial Drive.
Thanks .... Quick searches show everyone charges the same price ... If I buy outside of GA no tax but gotta pay shipping ... if I buy in GA gotta pay tax ... can't win ...
Dan, let me get my Dad to call down to Legacy Ford in McDonough on Monday. He's been getting jobber prices from them for over 30 years. Looking in my 2004 catalog, the MSRP on that engine is $3,195. If he can get it for less than what you're seeing, I kkep it a secret and not tell you. If can't do any better or even worse, I'll let you know. Wait. Did I get that backwards?
Dan have someone outside GA. buy the motor,and you go pick it up.I did that with some Power Heads.My son wanted a set and he is stationed in California.I bought them,paid no tax,he stopped and they were more than happy to let him pick them up.WIN-WIN
The engine is likely setup for a reverse rotation water pump, so if you want to use your stock brackets you will need to swap the timing cover and water pump. I would call the Ford Racing Tech line and tell them what you are doing and they will tell you what needs to be changed.
I figured that ... everything on my current engine is new so I would just swap everything over ... I don't have a 50oz damper though so hopefully early pulleys will bolt to it ... Also ... my bellhousing is for a 164 tooth flywheel so I would need a different one to work with the supplied flywheel.
I mean my current ones .. they are 4-bolt. Would the aluminum heads alter the stance of my car or is it just a few pounds difference.
After putting mine together with alum heads & intake, I didn't think it changed the stance much at all. I did do a spring change, they were not new springs but were stiffer than my old ones. I guess that kinda disqualifies my answer don't it.