Hey y'all! I was just wondering if anyone on here lives in the St. Louis/Ballwin area?? I'm up here for a week or two, and would like to meet anyone that I could. Just let me know on here. I'll get in touch with you then. Thanks!! Y'all take care!! Preston
I'm in KC but if enough people get together I'd consider driving over and passing off the MAA camera.
I live in the South County Area just South of St. Louis. There is a car cruise in Arnold MO next Saturday night 23rd I hope to be at?
Not sure if you are familiar with this site. It is run by Lou Dauten and is handy for area car news www.stlcarnews.com I see the cruise your talking about is at Long John Silvers. I will have to keep that in mind
Thanks for that one I did not have it Here is another http://clubs.hemmings.com/clubsites/lakerscarclub/
Well, whichever one(s) y'all decide to go to, would you let me know? I'd like to try to be there (without my car of course ) so that I could meet some of you. I'd appreciate it, THANKS!!! Preston
Preston are you in Ballwin now? I will be around today or we might be able to meet up Wednesday night. My boys have baseball games and practice throughout the week depending on the weather. Should be going to the swap meet on Sunday Morning 4/24 it is at UMB Bank Pavilion formerly Riverport someone you are visting should be able to tell you were it is at. Swap meet is probably not a good thing for you, then you will need to get the parts home. Preston you have a PM also.
Yes sir! I am in Ballwin right now. However I have no vehicle with me. I am doing some work on my aunt and uncle's house, so I have been relying on them for transportation. I wish I had my cell phone with me..... It's in the shop getting worked on. Wednesday might be a good day. I'll talk to them and see what's on the agenda. I'll let you know. I hope it works out though! Take care, Preston Oh- By the Way- could you PM me with a number I can reach you at?? That way if I don't get back to the computer for awhile.... It'd be easier to make plans over the phone also. Thanks!! Preston