Two days ago I noticed the brakes seemed to be losing pressure because they felt soft. Today I was pulling into a parking lot I tried to stop and the brake pedal went to the floor then the brake light came on. I checked the lines to look for a leak I found nothing. could anybody point me in the right direction of what I should do next. Any reponse would be a great help since this car is my daily driver and the $45 a day rental price can get a bit expensive. Thanks
Is the master cylinder low on fluid? Might check for leaks around that too if it is. If not, check to make sure the drum brakes are adjusted right. One of the rear brakes on my 77 was missing the self-adjust lever, and it got way out of adjustment, and i lost pedeal pressure to where i had to pump the brakes to build up pressure to stop.
When checking for leaks be sure to check inside under the carpet. At least of my F100 it leaked there once and ran down under the mat. Sounds like either a leaking line, wheel cylinder or master-cylinder to me. Clint.
My bet is the Master Cylinder. Mine started doing that same thing, until I replaced the Master Cylinder, and bled everything really good (Right rear, Left Rear, Right Front, Left Front). I also found that I wasn't getting a good stream of fluid when I bled my two rear bleed valves, I found they were plugged up by corrosion, so I took them out, and used a piece of MIG welding wire, and cleaned them out. All the opinions listed above are great though, and it wouldn't hurt to check it all. E.W.
Could also be a wheel slave cylinder. Pull each wheel and drum and check for a leaking brake cylinder before you go buy a new master cylinder. If none of them are leaking and no lines are leaking then it probalby is the Master cylinder.
Thanks for all the help I'm going to check all these things out in the mourning. The car only has 43,000 miles so hopefully nothing major has to be replaced.
Probably the mastercylinder.......but I had the same problem I few years back. ended up being the brake lines. Might need to replace them.