I haven't been to this one before, has anyone been and enjoyed themselves? Any feedback? It's May 27-29 I believe. It's not an all ford swap, is it? Thanks, Peyton in SE Ohio
Swap Meet I've been there several times. Pretty big, lots of parts. Never been there looking for Ford stuff before. I will this time though. Several buildings and a ton of outside vendors.
Didn't know about that one, I might drive up there on sat ..any more details would be appreciated (Location, Admission cost, Ect). still need a few odds and ends.
You can go to www.ohioswapmeet.com and find the answers to those questions plus maps etc. I think admission said $6. Peyton
Hey Peyton, When are you going to post some pics of the cars?? I have a Digital camera you can yse if you need it..Jerry
I've been there.Not very good if you are looking for Ford/Maverick parts.You might get lucky and find something.It is ok though if you just want to look at cars and parts and hang out.Not as good as the Columbus Swap meet or Carlisle All Ford Nationals.