Hi Evryone Im Rick Im Restoring A 1970 Maverick That I Just About Have Completed Hoping To Get Some Ideas From You Guys On A Problem Im Having Seems Soemtimes When I Go To Start It The Solenoid Just Clicks I Changed It Yet Still It Clicks I Banged On The Starter Didint Help Anyone Have Any Ideas ? The Car Had A Inline 6 In It Now Has A 302 Out Of A 85 Mustang Gt
sounds like a bad battery/connection/wire/solenoid to me. ya didn't reuse the L6 starter did ya, is starter KNOWN good?? What part of mass ya in, got a cousin with a hot nova out there. good to see new ppl.
WELL BATTERY IS NEW SOLENOID NEW ALL CONNECTIONS ARE GOOD AND TIGHTyes i did use the inline 6 starter hot nova ? theres alot of em around here lol im in central mass there is a guy out here that has really nice one its called novacaine
1970 70 was a good year. small bumpers. 2dr/4dr?? grabber/grabber hood? do a disc brake conversion yet/will ya? pics? rust?/whad ya do 'bout it? pics want pics! good luck, feel free to pm/email me with questions. 1971 2dr mav with many mods. Black_IVY@hotmail.com matthew pikul
try grounding your engine to the body or check the exzisting ground connection from engine to body i had that problem on my ford dumptruck.after 2 trips to the parts store thats what was wrong with that.
this one has no rust i just painted it a metallic green i did the front disc conversion installed sdie pipes going for that 70 look i built it only to keep me from beating on my 69 charger lol was supppose to be a quick projest turning into full restoration now
I'll have ta refresh my memory with folks what part of mass/town name. might be adams. cousin's name is andy, car is blue. I had to use a different starter. L6 wouldn't fit
im in fitchburg and nova caine is purple with yenko stripe but instead of yenko embossed in stripe its says ovacaine
i,ll have to try that burlap thanks.. it doesent do it all the time either im wonderin if maybe starter just said seeya
this car is a small bumper 2door incredible shape i have some pics once i figure out how to post em i will
good possibility that starter died, I reused a starter on my high perf 302. starter worked good on the dead 302, but died quickly under the load of a 10:1 mill
well worth just putting new one in i guess everything else is new no sence taking a chance .no idea what is in this motor i installed a windsheild for a guy he gave it to me took it down the road once and wow it moves lol
Word thats the REALLY nice thing about mavs, ANY power and they HAUL. watch out though at 110-115 mine was FLOATING off the road. yes i know that was stupid. but fun. in South Dakota we've got LOTS of smooth open/straight/flat road. good choice on the disc conversion. speaking from experience. got a 5 lug rearend to go with 'em? ya can fit 225/60/15 on the back of that, back space is 3.5 Side pipes, side pipes. ROCK! i always wanted those on my mav, how do they look? pics
yes i was lucky enough to find a v8 1975 mav in a salvage yard near me so i took evrything to do conversion
this side pipes look good i think their to short so getting longer ones my friends say leave em they look good but i rather have longer ones yes i have pics but im trying to figure out how to post em