I'm having problems at high rpms with oil dripping from my valve cover breather, which is not baffled. The breather goes on the oil fill tube, which is sorta baffled, but I don't think very well. These are the Maverick valve covers, and the filler tube's inside diameter is slightly over 1 1/4", so I've been having a hard time finding something that fits well that does not clamp on. Has anyone ever used one of these? http://www.holley.com/HiOctn/ProdLine/Products/EPP/EPPCAT/3434112ERL.html
This pic shows the breather that I have on there now, looks pretty much like other clamp on breathers available from ford motorsport, summit, etc.
I had the same problem, I ended up going with a remote breather set up, a line from each valve cover to a drainable tank, with a breather element on the top.
I have been looking at some of those setups. I was wondering if running both lines to the same tank would decrease the efficiency or not.
I also had the same problem. I finally went to baffled valve covers and still had a little getting through. I just tried several different breather caps until I found one that worked better. I got them at the local autozone -- I think they were made by Spectre they are just the regular chrome ones. The K&N breather type(with the element exposed) were the worst in letting oil mist out. From past experience running a little heavier oil in the summer helped too.
i use one of the push in breather caps from checkers. never had that problem until i put this last engine in and used the maverick valve covers. was thinking of changing back to my other valve covers to see if that cured the problem. also thought that turning the motor at over 7200 might have something to do with it.
There are a number of solutions. First, have a working PCV system. Second, get baffled covers. If you still get oil, you have a blowby problem. You can get around it by building something custom. I used a regular oil cap with a hole for a vent tube, then mounted a gas filter on top so the air could get out but the oil would get trapped in the paper element and drain back into the engine. Make sure you mount it so it drains back. My problem went away when I built a fresh engine. BTW, where are your export braces?
I have the Maverick covers also and all I'm using is a cheap chrome push on from O'Reilly Auto Parts. I have never had any problems but I'm also using a good pcv valve on the other cover. If you're not using a pcv valve I would think that to be your problem.
I have a good PCV valve in the other side and I get some of the same. My valve covers are not baffled. They are tall Cobra covers. Someone beat me to it, export braces?