Ok this is just one story but, considering this guy is in a small Iowa town 40 minutes from Des Moines I find it to be interesting. I called this guy who runs a shop, to get an estimate on putting a flex plate in my Comet, which was an excellent estimate, for towing and for doing the work. Anyway in the course of the conversation we talked about Mavs and Comets and he said " yeah I sent one of those to the crusher just a while back, and then a Guy told me " their payin' big money for parts for those things.. seems there are guys out there restoring 'em and fixin' 'em up". He then said he picked up a maverick with no wheels, and is keeping it to sell for parts. Instead of crushing it.... I guess there's good news and bad news in all this, bad news.. words out that the parts are in demand and therefore prices will rise, the Good news, if there is demand, sooner or later Aftermarket is going to get momentum too, I'm thinking floors, seats , ground effects..., certainly if demand goes up ,then the value of our cars will increase as well, Get 'em cheap while they still are 'cause, it seems like momentum is building , Mavs and Comets will hopefully get the respect they deserve. One other note, I first started checking out MCCI and this site and sites like it back in ''98, the increase in membership, and in participation on this site, has increased alot since then, and when people here and in MCCI get in national publications it just helps feed enthusiam. Just a little commentary spun off a simple conversation with a mechanic from a town of less that 100 people!! Hope to be driver her again by May 20th!
excellent story ..... and true ..... this seems to have hapened just in the last few years. I have had the comet for 3 years or so now, and I was the only one at the local cruise ..... I now know of 4 mavs in the area at the cruise night ...... and 19mav73 seems to be buying up all the local parts cars for $300 and less (maybe he'll sell me the parts for cheap) AND I just saw a yellow/black small bumpered maverick grabber (at least had the grabber sticker on it) at a Sonic, and 19mav73 had heard about it ...... this is in a town of around 50,000 they are out there ...... Robert
Yeah just last week or the week before I let everyone here know of a Maverick not more than 20 miles from the same area that went up for sale, with only 19k on it, a month before that another 10 miles away I ofund one a guy is just sitting on, has it parked by the highway, never did call me back his neigherbor told me that he talks to someone about every other week interested in that car. The owner , is just not selling it, course when a guy came to me asking to by mine, I told him no too. Anyway I am very ecited about the future value of my '74 Comet..
A tire distributor saw mine when I went in one day...now he wants me to locate one for his friend and one for himself...already gave him a few contact numbers!
"And the train kept rollin' all night long, yeah the train kept rollin' all night long!! Make sure MCCI.com is mentioned too!!
I'm getting all of em' I can get while I still can. Just a few months ago I didn't have any, now we have a 74' Grabber, a 73' 4 door and a 76' with no interior or engine. Going to get a 70' VERY soon and a 73 Comet before to long. Terry better watch out, I'm gonna out number him before to long. 2 of my friends already want me to find both of them one, and several of my friends said they have have seen a white Mav running around suwanee/lawrenceville several times. I think I'm getting addicted...
There are like 7 around here that i know of in people's back yards and such.. I've seen 2 Grabbers, 2 4 door Mavs, and 3 plain 2 door mavs.. plus my 2 mavs... so there are 9 that i know of in a 50 mile radius..
MAx. to each his own .. right? , But ground effects, serve a purpose, if you race anything but a straight line, even then they can help, ( Air Dam Spoiler) and as long as they are done, for aerodynamic efficiency. not for tacky add on looks, they add performance to handling. Air under your car causes lift, lift makes you lose adhesion to the road.. It's a matter of opinion, a matter of what your performance goals are, no need to be sarcastic about it. When I build my Comet, I will build it for balance, power aerodynamics, weight distribution etc. All of these things make the car more slippery, gutters, door handles, excess chrome all contribute to aerodynamic drag, you can build tons of horsepower but it is sapped if your car doesn't stick, and if there is excessive drag. Whale tails, plastic cladding, decorative tacked on pieces, such as non functional scoops, you'll never find on one of my cars. Porche had a philosophy.. if it is on or incorported into a Porche... it will serve some purpose to aid performance. Thats how I will build my car. You have your preferences, and I respect that, doesn't hurt to respect another person's philosphy. With respect, I say keep up the good work on your car, I will to, in the end we share a respect for a car line that deserves it. You build your car your way I'll do mine my way, both cars will serve their respective purposes well. No hard feeling man, just felt I had to defend my statement
Jamie, I wish I had the extra resources I envy you, right now they are like picking up hoit wheels, Someday a Grabber, Stallion, GT or Sprint is going to go at an auction for big $$ we'll be where those smart guys in the early 80's are now who smartly grabbed a boss Mustang , Or a 69 Eliminator for a realtive song