I stopped at the local Pawn and Gun shop today after work - I had drove the 74 Maverick to work today ... I was pricing a nice new Bushmaster M4 AR-15 now that the ban is lifted and all the goodies are back ... Anyway .. I'm at the counter with the salesguy and another guy walks in and asks him if that was his Maverick in the parking lot. He says no but that thing sure is nice and clean. I said it was mine and it was my daily driver ... I have an even cleaner restored one at home. Another guy there chimes in saying how he had a 71 Grabber with a Boss 302 when he was a kid and he got in trouble with his parents for going through 12 sets of tires in one summer. Pretty soon there's like 5 of us standing around talking Maverick for a while. Driving classic cars is a sure fire wire to spark conversation ...
I love stories like that. There are so many people that love these cars. I had a guy come into work one day. Got on the subject of classic cars. He said yeh there used to be a guy that worked here a few years ago that had this hopped up old Maverick, It looked & sounded really kool. I said to him I still work here. We laughed! Thought I would share that as well. Sorry didn't want to highjack the thread. That was a kool story. Mike
I was even nice and didn't mention that Mavericks never had a Boss 302 ... Boss 302 does sound nicer than just saying 302 doesn't it?
You just can't take these cars anywhere can ya. Definitely not the kinda of car to have if your introverted.
Guess several of us got asked about em today then. Stopped at a gas station today and saw one of my old friends that I haven't seen in a few years. He gets to lookin at the Mav and just loved it. He knows I'm a diehard Ford guy and just assumed it was a Mustang. Then pulling out of the same gas station there was an old guy(looked homeless) walking down the side walk and as he walked by the car he said "man thats old school, I used to have a hopped up '71 back in the day". Then not an hour later at yet another gas station (getting something to drink) a guy came out and asked what year my Maverick was (3rd guy thats got it right on the first try). Told him it was a '74 and he said he hadn't seen one of them in YEARS and that he had a '72 with a 302 back in the early 80's but his was falling apart. He asked if we were going to get it painted and what all we plan on doing to it. Then we went and got new tires put on the front, boy wasn't that fun. The woman at the wal-mart service center asked for our phone number. She put it in and said "This isn't the 2002 Taurus is it....?" I kinda gave her a blank look and said no, it's a Maverick. She said oh, so it's a Chevy. Nope, Ford. Then she asked "does this have the 3.0 liter or 4.0 liter engine?" I told her I knew how many cubic inches it is... and she was like "ohh, well if we pop the hood it should say under there how many liters it is" I was like not on a car this old... :16suspect We finnally decided it didn't matter since we were only getting new tires put on. Then we went up to Sonic to eat supper in it and some little kid walked by with his mom and he was like "look at that car!" and his mom never even looked at it. Then a few minutes later they were walking back by the other way and he started waving and saying "hi! hi! hi!" Had one guy tell me a few nights ago "thats a real classic you got there, you should get it painted!" It's amazing how much attention such an ugly car gets, but driving it sure is fun.
As many Boss 302 Mavericks that were supposed to be out there that people used to own...you think we would be tripping over them as we walk!! That's it....I'm going to go find one!!!
I have had many of the same type of situations driving my 4 door. Except most of the people are 80+ years old When I was getting my springs re-arched for my two door. The first time I went to the shop was with my 2 door, so they could see the springs. When I went to pick up my springs afterwards, I took my 4 door. They guys behind the counter said he hadn't seen a Maverick in years, but now he saw two in less than a week. Dare to be Differant! :bananaman
Hot Rod built a Boss 302 Maverick in 1970. In the article it says "insiders are of the opinion that FoMoCo may make V8 power an opyion in 1971 or thereabouts" This was all in the February 1970 Hot Rod, the title o the article is called "Muscle for Mavericks". In the article they swap in a Boss 302 into a Maverick. Part Numbers Engine Mount Insulators 2 pieces, C8ZZ-6038-A Engine Mounts 2 pieces, C8ZZ-6028-A, C8ZZ-6029-A Clutch Equalizer bar 67 Mustang, C7ZZ-7528-G Front Springs 67 Mustang, C7ZZ-5310-C Transmission 65 Comet, C5D2-7003-G Rear End 66 Mustang, C5ZZ-4010-C Boss 302 Engine, C9AA-6077-Y They used headers from a company called Jr. Beeline Engineering
I love to see kids (and adults) looking and touching my mav. But a disturbing thing happened a couple nights back. I parked it in front of Chili's restaurant, strategically located myself inside while eating and enjoying a frothy malt beverage. Some lady and her kid pulled up beside the mav, and some 12 year old kids jumps out, runs toward my car, pointing at my sidepipes, and mouthing something exciting (remember, I am inside watching this all, so I am going by visuals, here, not hearing anything). Well, the mother reaches over and grabs the kid by the arm and yanks him away from my car, like it might bite him or something. When they came inside, I wanted to walk over and offer to take him for a ride, but in today's day and age, I would probably be accused of being a child molester or something. On a positive note, I saw an adult, same parking space, jump out and put his face up to the windows, looking back at his wife (who was trying to get the baby out of the back of their Sentra) pointing and saying something like "honey, come take a look at this!" He was pointing specifically at a homemade warning sign I made, but was thoroughly enjoying the car. That is why I like to work on old and rare cars.
I can't tell you how many times I have heard the about a Legendary Boss 302 Maverick that someone had. I get asked at least once a year at a car show that since mine is a Grabber(looks like a Grabber) it has the Boss engine -- right? I also politely corrected someone one night that all Grabbers did not have V-8s and was told I did not know what I was talking about. -- I just left it alone. One night an older gentleman told me that there was a dealer that specially equiped a group of Mavericks on his lot with Boss 302s and that there was a few special made ones out there somewhere???
I really don't get that much attention for mine, and mine is in pretty nice shape. I probably get ten times the attention for my primered 69 Mustang fastback than I do for my nicely painted Maverick.