i wonder how accurate that is,......according to summit.....the 245 60 15 tires they have are 27.1 inches.... maybe i read it wrong or i am confuzed but its a good piece of info,...thanks
i got the chart out of a 2003 rod and custom. so i dont know how accurate it is,just thought it might help
brand name makes a diff. in hight. i replaced a tire once (blowout) of a diff. brand but same size and it was almost an inch shorter..didn't know this untill i took it in to get it aligned...the guy said that is why it was pulling to the right...frank...
ahh cool.....the chart will come in handy though...thanks for posting it...i printed it out already and it is on my tool box...
ditto... each tire brand makes their own sizes and they all vary.. its best to check them out on thier own.. however this charts gives a very good idea on what to use! thanks fan2488 for sharing it and taking to time to scan it!
If you want to know the heights, widths, sidewalls, and recomended rim widths of different size tires, go to: http://www.1010tires.com/TireSizeCalculator.asp?action=submit
The website www.tirerack.com also gives some good specs on different brands of tires you just have to know how to get to them. Once on the home page Select Products from the selection, then select tires, then select a brand on the right, choose a brand then a specific tire model, after choosing a type of tire choose specs and you will get a whole list of specs for all sizes of that particular brand/model of tire. You never have to choose a type of car or size of tire if you go in this way, therefore you see all specs.