I hate to say it but I have some honda bucket seats and rear seat for my 72. the rear seat is almost a perfect match for my rear seat, with just a bit of adjusting it would work great, the buckets have adjustable lumbar, full recline, and seem to drop in well.Bud of mine gave them to me free, can't beat the price, and they look great. It may be a bit Uncle Benish but we will see...Jim
Earl's got Honda seats in his green car. Only thing them rice burners are good for is gas mileage and parts I say!
I have a set of Accord seats in mine I love them. I used their seat tracks and fabricated them to work in my car. The best thing about doing it was, I can push the seat all the way to the steering wheel or all the way back to the rear seat. Now that is some adjustment!
Love my Honda seats! They are from a '96 Civic, but the back seat was not even close. Still have the Mav seat. Jim, what year and type of Honda did you get the seats from? Maybe find a gray back seat that will work. Thanks, Earl
Earl its a 99 accord, the back seat is not a drop in but still looks pretty close, I will experiment with it, I still have my back seat...Jim
i have a front bench that is free for the taking...71 mav.... it works...needs upholstery....any takers?? nah...didnt think so...lol...
Earl ... I have the back bottom for a 70/71 if you want it ... I need to make a trip down and pick up that Clutch mount from Terry pretty soon ...
OK, I asked this on another post. Lots of lookers, nobody answered. Give me suggestions for mounting my 88 Honda Accord seats. My homemade brackets look OK, but I think I could do better. Pictures would be appreciated. I will not mount my passenger seat until I find a better way to mount them. So, my wife is expecting you guys to give me guidance, and QUICKLY!
any ideas on a good rear seat...I need to match grey leather. I'm sure it would be more expensive to get of another color and get leather put on it.
Scooper; I did not ignore you, just been very busy. I will get you some pics this weekend, and mail them to you. Mine are not very pretty, just functional. Like I said, get aluminum. I am going to replace mine when I can find some angle to use. Sorry so late, just busy days and nights. Later,
I got the front passenger mounted without too much extra mess. When the weather cools down, I will copy the mounts and do the driver side again, to match. Other than the wierd angles and spaces, the Honda seats feel, and look GREAT