Hey guys i was just wondering if anybody on these forums are from or live near Western New York. I live in angola and i heard that somebody who lives near me bought a maverick from florida and i was just wondering if that person is on these forums. Or anybody else on here that lives around me. im just curious
hows it goin on your mav i got mine home sunday did some measuring major mods needed to put my motor in i will post pics soon.i am not sure if there are many mavs in our state. i see none on the road when i am out driving.i am thinking of going with a small block i have a chance to get a 88 mustang with fuel injection and a 5 speed. cheap.
HEy, its going pretty good. Ive got almost all of the car stipped down now, just need to finish the roof. I got the fender and floor pan patches welded in. So im getting the body there. Yea i would definatley go with a smallblock. Plus with a 5.0 there are so many mods out there for them. They are light, have plently of power waiting to be made, and you dont really need to do many mods to get em to fit because mavs are made to fit 302s. Thats the only engine i will run in my mav. If i need more power ill get it punched out to a 347 and a blower if needed. lol
i was over to our local engine shop he just built a 302 stroker for 4 wd drag raciung around 10000 the guy has into it.ouch!!!you can buy a crate one for half that.i am gonna take a stab at putting my big motor in onefella told me if you remove the manifolds it will squeeze in.
hey mavaholic do you come up 15 or 81 to get to franklin?are you any where near denton md.i have a tranny there i bought that the guy won't ship to me.
i am not sure what size it is. its a 65 390 block 64 6090g heads, trw domed pistons double valve springs.it has a short stroke i was inclined to think 428 but it doesn't have a counterweight on the damper./its never been run i got it at a junkyard in dansville for 250.00
yup i bought it for my uhaul f350 but then i looked inside better than a box of crackerjacks!i have a line on a wrecked 65 comet with a 289 and a three speed but i am hoping i can get the other motor into the car.
Denton is about an hour away. I could pick it up for you and bring it to Carlisle or the Roundup if your going. No NY trip planned any time soon for me. What kind of transmission is it? My gf is going up there in 2 weeks but she drives an honda.
mavaholic i just emailed the guy on the tranny its a 3speedw/ overdrive out of a 79 capri with a 5.0.iwill get his phone number and adress if you could pick this up for me i would greatly appreciate it i am coming down with my buddy to ford carlisle.i will make sure you get compensated for your trouble. it was a cheap tranny i won it before the guy told me he wouldn't ship it.