To each there own on this one. But it burns me when some one tries to pass something off for some thing that does not exist. Also, that car look as ugly as the famiy truckster from National Lampoons.
I like the line down near the bottom of the web page, "I live in Mexico so it's hard for me to get good parts". Obviously!
tacky,ugly,goofy,hideous,fugly,bugly,scary,grusome,disgustably disgusting.But it sure does make my redneck rides look "nice".I bet he's gotta sneak up on the pumps to get gas.
Thanks maverick75. It's a shame for anyone to do what this guy did to his car. If you read through his guestbook you'll see that most everyone agrees with everyone on this board. I'd be ashamed to have it posted on the Internet, especially with the kind of response he is getting.
I agree with Ray, I had a look at this "thing" last night and my goodness the comments that are posted with it are pretty coarse, just like the car.
It's just wrong! How about that single wiper trick . Is there a chrome piece missing from the trunk lid accross the bottom edge?
Unfourtunatley since he is from mexico it probably is the Real Shelby Maverick that he chopped up to do that to. lol
lol at Grabber75's comment. Yeah I couldn't believe that someone would try and pull that BS off. I would really like to see an actual shelby maverick, but they're quite rare. They remind me of Unicorns. But that Pic that guy had just made me wanna throw up, another work of art bites the dust..... why do people destroy things that are so beautiful.