i hope i didnt miss a thred like this, i didnt search the board so if this has already been done i apologise.. were down to just over a week before the all ford nats in carlisle PA.. so who's all comming? i'll be there searching the swap meet all weekend, hope the weather is decent. hope to meet a few new people, and some that i may have met before.. :bananaman
I will be going on Saturday and I also hope to meet some of the great people on this forum! Mike Question: Is there arts and craft stuff for the wife in case she gets board (most likely)
Also is anyone bringing there car that is not in the show. Do they have small cruises in the evening or anything that someone who is not in the competition can get involved in. Thanks Mike
We will be there sometime mid morning on Saturday and again on Sunday. We will have both of our Mavericks with us. Carlisle will be our Stallions first time on a show field. Or is that show hill? I wonder if we will get parked up on the hill again this year? Whatever the case, I can't wait to see old friends again and meet new ones. Since we live only about a hour and a half away, we are planning to leave one of the cars on the field over night. I hope they have good security there.
I'll be there Fri-Sat with full rain gear (I hope I don't have to use it this year) ,This time I'm driving the Mav. up and hopefully will get to meet some fellow Mav owners ,in between buying parts and looking at cars .
I have to work, don't think you'l be seeing me out there, but I may be able to sneek in on Saturday, but I doubt it
they have some arts and craft stuff, but not much. check the websight they usually have a list of activities for the non car lovers lol.. as for cruises im sure we could plan something around one of the hotels or restaurants up there.. might have to go see if i feel safe enough to bring mine up.
Doug and I will be there by noon on Thursday. Were going to get all the good deals from the venders so you guys wont have to walk as much.
We are trying to get the Boss 429 ready to drive up there. Not sure if I will be there but my uncle will probably be in my grandpa's Orange Boss.
Doug and I will be there by noon on Thursday. You mean Doug is still alive and kicking? Haven't heard from him in awhile. Guess John is going to miss out on the Carlisle Hooker again this year.
Have fun guys! Looks like you will be getting wet Sat and Sunday. Don't blame me this time, I'll be 300 miles away Russ
yeah, I will. There is enough of her to go around though I wish you would bring her to Round-up this year.....I mean since you guys live together and all :evilsmile
I am draggin' the family out there on Saturday. We hope to be there sometime in the afternoon. I kept bugging my hubby from a long time ago to have this time open so we can go out there! I really hope to meet some of you on this message board. Of course we will go broke too finding so many things to buy, but that's part of the fun...spending money and finding much needed parts for our cars.