I am converting my 74 to disks. as I have read here before the brake hose fitting is a different size from the hard line. Instead of changing the hard line and distribution block as others have talked about is there anything wrong with just having custom hoses made? Seems this would be the easiest way. Maybe order one extra in case it is needed in emergency. Other then not being able to walk in to any parts store and buy it I don't see a down side. Any thoughts on this?
My disc brake hoses bolted right to my 72 hard lines. I believe the difference you was reading is at the master cylinder.
The fittings on the original hoses are the same size, however you still need to change the hard lines on the front to the disc brake units, because the hard lines on the drum set-up are too short. They connect to the wheel cylinders behind the spindle whereas the disc brake lines connect to the calipers in front of the spindle. They are not hard to change...
When I did mind on the 70 I had to go with longer brake hoses for the brakes. They do have them just keep in mind use the brake fittings.
dave it were me, (and it has been me twice) take the distribution block when you snag the spindles. reason being that when you go get your new master cyl (ask for the one your donor car uses) as mentioned above, the couplings errr... you know... where the lines come out of the master, are different... the nuts.... uhhhh you can call me if you want...we hare getting pretty good as doing this swap.
Thank You all for your help. However now I am more confused then ever. ( not hard to do) I purchased Whites'76 Disk brake spindles and rotors, hoses etc that were I think he said from a 75 and the fittings on the end of the hoses are larger and will not connect to the hard lines on my 74. When I realized this I thought that was what everyone was talking about.
I had a similar problem. The fitting size in the caliper is not the same size as the one in the original drum. The drum and the hard line had the same size therefore the hose does not match the fitting size on the hard line when you get the correct one for the caliper. I worked with a local autoparts store to come up with the right hose that was the right length and had the 2 different sized ends to work with my application.