I will be there Sat. also. I scheduled a job in NJ for Friday and will drive over late Friday night to be there first thing in the morning. (probably sleep in my van so don't get to close to me Saturday)Craig is bringing me a few parts I need for when I get the mechanics taken care of and start the body work. Looking forward to seeing some of your cars and picking up all the parts I want for my sons car. Dave
keep a eye out for franks...... Fast Eddy's Maverick it is a org fast eddy car he has been working at it for think he said 14 years
I am hoping to get out there on Saturday in the late morning. I just hope this year it does not rain......
Well as I am looking out side right now it is raining pretty good here in NJ. I am now hoping that it stops in the morning just as the weather says. I am not sure if I am up for a 3 hour drive and then walk around in the rain again like last year. So keep saying your prayers that it stops.
i am hoping to head down there in the very early am saturday i thought it was next weekend. i saw a bunch of cars headed south on 81 this morning.should be there around 10am or earlier.gotta find mavaholic to get my tranny.anyone know where he is set-up?i am coming in the back gate.
Last year the Mavericks were parked "over the hill" just about as far from the swap meet as possible and still be inside the fence. Mavaholics trailer should not be far from the "Mavericks show area"
ok i will call him when i get there.i think i have things set to leave in the morning takes about 4 hrs from here to there.
had a good time this weekend in carlisle, didnt get to talk to many people, but i had a great time shopping for parts..