Hey Jason that is a great job and the color really sets it apart from other cars... I'm envious and I think the black strips are a no - no... just color match the mirrors... JMO Ron
Sorry, just giving my opinion. I'm not a fan of a bunch of blacked out stuff. I think it takes away from the color. I'll have to plea, "to each his own"
thanks, I will keep that in mind when I see any white cars...... I had the tires on all last summer and no cops pulled me for the tires, but your right about the car sticking out a bit more..... I am thinking about getting new rims and rubbers next summer...... you have kinda inspired me towards it..... a nice set of 17/18" rims front/back, really love the wheel combo on your car..... just needs to be a little wider on the back :evilsmile the more I think about it I think I am just gonna have the other mirrors painted to match the body and leave the stripes off.....
He was gonna repaint the wheel wells for me but I forgot to leave the wheel locks so he could take them off...... I am not gonna complain for the $250 I paid to have it painted..... the car was already masked off and everything was off so all he had to do was spray paint and the paint was supplied
i would have done it for less. ....i love painting....and if everything is done...i can paint ALL DAY LONG....
I have to vote for adding the stripes...and that black mirrors on a yellow car are just fine. Of course I have a car so-equipped (as well as the black vinyl top blugene ...hmmm..vinyl tops...now THERE'S a debate that could rage on for decades...), so I am more than a bit biased. For me, I love the way the black contrasts the yellow and breaks it up...but that's me.
I'd blackout the grill,headlight rings & tailpanel(glossy black on the tail)and tint the windows.If it were mine I'd change the wheels,but it's not so I won't(can't ?).Definitely easy to spot in a parking lot.
thanks mark, your car was kinda the inspiration for the color, I really like the color of yours.....I am gonna leave the car yellow for now.... if and when I decide a change is in order I may just add stripes....... I don't care much for the blacked out tail light panel......... and yes Tim I can get the wheels off
Your car will look just as good without stripes, so even if you decide not to do stripes or black-out the taillight section, you still really ought to paint the headlight bezels black. Every Maverick should have black headlight bezels regardless of what color the car is...I don't care what anyone says to the contrary...
hey TL what about when the stone shield is grey also? I will try the other set I have on there but I think the grey ones will look better......... just my
blacking out all that stuff is a matter of preferance. My car is black and I think the silver besel, trim and what-not help break up the black....but thats just my opinion.