Frank had posted some pics of the burnout contest I was in last Sat. in the off topic section(Thanks Frank)...I put this in General to make Sure you all saw it:bananaman Turn your speakers up first!
That is SWEEEEET Mike we need to chip in a few bucks for new tires? I would say something about Frank posting it in "off topic" but I'm a nice guy :16suspect On second thought, I'm not that nice...Frank you putz. ...OK Terry...I saved you the trouble
That is awesome! Fank, try downloading and installing this: Uncheck the 3 boxes on the left then hit the Free Download button.
Also If you are getting just a blank (white)screen it may be that its just downloading and because of your connection its going to take a while....let it sit there until a Blue "Q" tHAT looks like it has a clock in the middle comes up...after that ,the video will play.
you need quick time to view it...i am at work and cant install quick time...i will look see when i get home