took my gas tank out and am putting in a fuel cell....... found a the gas line and the hose in the center of the tank I am assuming if for the vapours....... where is the return line....
The line goes up to the vapor canister on the right side of the engine compartment just below the hood hinge.
i thought most cars have a return line back to the tank...... so the one in the center of the tank goes to the canister
cars with injection or a return (or bypass) style pressure regulator need a return line. other wise all the tank needs is a breather vent line to let air in. do you need a return line? what is your fuel system setup? if basically stock type carburation with a mechanical oem type pump, just a vent is needed.
that line that runs to the canister is a vent line. lets the carb ingest the gas fumes from the tank instead of sending them to the atmosphere. prior to that we had vented gas caps to let air into tank.i f you're at the track & see maybe a '60s chevelle leave with liquid coming from behind the license plate, thats gas from the vented cap.