Transmission Trouble

Discussion in 'Technical' started by 289Mav, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. 289Mav

    289Mav Member

    Oct 10, 2002
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    72 Maverick Grabber, 66 T-Bird, 2004 Mach 1 Mustang
    Well My Transmission was leaking - appeared to be around the gasket. I thought it might be because I let the car sit too long so I decided to change the filter and but a new gasket on. When I dropped the pan there was a black residue in the bottom of the pan.... Any idea what it is? It looks almost like oil.... could it be the bands wearing out? The guy I bought it from (3 years ago) said it had a "newly rebuild" C-4. It has a reverse manual valve body and is a pre-1970 C-4 attached to a 289. It slipped a little going into 3rd - I had planned on adjusting the bands after changing the filter/fluid. I've only driven it maybe 1,000 miles in the last 3 years.... Just trying to decide if I should but a new filter & fluid in and put the pan back on or if I should rebuild it.... any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

  2. Comet155

    Comet155 Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    I had a bunch of that black guck in the servo mechanism that was found during a re-gasket job. It could be band wear particles. I'd change the fluid and clean/replace the filter first. I heard of people getting good results from Lucus Transmission Fix.
    I understand most additives are demonized, but if the tranny isn't too worn out, some have actually had good results from this goop in reducing leaks and slipping.
    Just something to try before going the full re-build route.
  3. stmanser

    stmanser Looking for a Maverick

    Jan 4, 2005
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    you can do either....the blackness is from usual wear and shouldnt look like sludge...but a thin layer of black is normal (at least i see it in every tranny i have repalced the filter in)

    1. take the car to a tranny shop and have check it over....they will probably tell you that it needs rebuilding...they want your business after all.
    and it isnt a bad idea, if you have the money and time to do it

    2. replace the filter and gasket... that may or may not take care of the leak, especially if its leaking above the pan. but if the gasket is leaking...this is a good idea.

    if you have the money....a tranny build is the safest bet
  4. 289Mav

    289Mav Member

    Oct 10, 2002
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    72 Maverick Grabber, 66 T-Bird, 2004 Mach 1 Mustang
    Thanks for the info. It is a thin black film.... I'm going to replace the filter and gasket and see where that gets me. I may toss in some Lucas Tranny fix... See where that gets me. If I still have the problem then it looks like I'll be learning how to rebuild a tranny. I have some friends that have done it before.... so I guess we'll see.

    Thanks again for the responses....
  5. Comet155

    Comet155 Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    Cool. Keep us posted on how things go.
  6. ShadowMaster

    ShadowMaster The Bad Guy

    May 15, 2005
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    That residue is from your clutches and bands. Also, the "slipping" into third gear could be the infamous 2-3 C4 "flare" that happens when the transmission is on it's last leg. They start to do that when they get tired. Put the pan back on and adjust the band. That's the easy thing to do. (Always do the easy/cheap thing first!) Chances are it'll live for a while but you should probably think about a rebuild in a few months. Depends on how much and how hard you drive it. Good Luck!
  7. Old Guy

    Old Guy Member

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Assuming with the reverse pattern valve body, this is used for some racing? The light film of black residue is from clutches etc. However if there is no noticable signs of brass or steel particles in it, you are probably gonna be ok. The 2 to 3 flare is usually caused by a not so new servo that is weak. I would see if you have a stock "B" servo, then try to get an "H" while you have the pan off. Is easier to dhange them out without losing the apply struts on the band. The band is not applied in 2 to 3 shift, it is the release time and force that causes quick or slow shifts. Clutch pack condition is also another factor but I would try the servo and band adjustment first. Loosen the lock nut and back it off, then turn the adjusting screw in until you feel it contact the band strut. Back it out 1 and a quarter turns, hold it there and tighten the lock nut. Do the same for the other one too, Use Castrol "F" fluid and the Lucas if you desire. Good luck with it.
  8. 74merc

    74merc computer nerd

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Lucas is nice, helps get those last few thousand miles out, but if you're into performance, it will make the shift a bit smoother, no more barking of second.
    Generally it will shift a bit firmer as Lucas is thicker, but it will slip a bit due to the Lucas lubricating, so its harder but it won't bark second.

    "I dare you to make less sense... " - Dean Venture
  9. Wes

    Wes Maverick Police Dept.

    Mar 14, 2002
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    If the tranny is still in the car, you might want to do this. When you just drop the pan, there is still a lot of old fluid still in the converter. Doing a fluid change this way does little more than mix old fluid with the new. The oil change places like Jiffy Lube and Pennzoil offer a flush service where they use a machine to purge all of the old fluid out of the tranny and converter and put 100% new fluid back in. They also include either a new filter or cleaning the screen, whichever is applicable to a vehicle. The average price is around $90 for the complete service and it only takes about 1/2 hour to do.

    I tried this a while back after my father in law passed and left an '89 New Yorker with only 28,000 on it. It shifted badly and the fluid was almost black from age and lack of use. I took it to Jiffy Lube and had the service done. This was over 2 years ago. The tranny immediately shifted like new afterward and has given no problems since.

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