Hi guys...I am need of some info again. I was supposed to have my motor all set for my mav project...but the kid backed out. So I just found a 5.0 HO out of a mercury moutaineer (like an explorer i guess)......Engine code 'p' , which I have been told means HO, and it has factory aluminum heads...I was wondering if this is a good bet for $750 with 86,000 miles. And if there is anything weird about this motor compared to a regular 5.0 mustang motor. I saw something about a reverse water pump, and different timing cover. I dont know how true any of it is....I am also planing on throwing an E-Cam at this motor, and and Preformer RPM intake. and an MSD ignition setup. I know I need a copper gear for the distru. but I was wondering if anything else is weird about this.... I also am looking at a t-5 tranny from a junkyard as well, it is out of a 94 mustang with 86000 miles as well (oddly enough) they are asking $750 for that as well, I think that is a bit steep since I can buy a brand new from summit for like 1100-1200. I am going to call back and see if they will throw in the bellhousing, and flywheel, and possibly the driveshaft....but I dont know whether the 1994 is the correct driveshaft for this application. Sorry for the long post....but the motor going into the mav is coming nearer....Thanks so much for your help!!
well, somebuddy help me out here, but that motor should have gt40 heads on it, I may be wrong, but I think that's it.
the engine sounds good to me. The 94 tranny has a bit longer input shaft if memory serves, so it takes a bit more work than the 93 and below T5 to get working in our cars. Might work out just fine with the bellhousing from the 94, I'm not sure. Price is kinda high, but its looking like $2000 to convert to a stick and get a Tremec, so...
I did some more research on my own, and it seems that I will have header fitment problems if this motor has gt40p heads....I already have a brand new set of hooker ceramic coated comps on the way, and it doesnt sound like that motor will work with those headers due to the angle on the heads. I think I might be back to waiting for an 87-93 t-5 tranny, and the same vintage 302.....phew!! my head is spinning with all this info I am trying to take in. Things are starting to come together on the parts end....but I am doing this a bit backwards since I dont really have an actual block yet....but I ordered the headers, and my summit aluminum radiator, and I also bought the pulley kit to convert to a serpantine belt instead of a v-belt. Just something a little bit different....thanks Diana
Diana, If I were you, I'd snap up that motor in a heartbeat. Shaun is right, it does have the GT40 heads, but these will work fine in your car with your new headers, as there is no difference externally from a standard head. Have you ever considered fuel injection? The unique thing about the Explorer/Mountaineer 302 is that the upper intake has the perfect angle to fit in our cars. Just a thought. Good luck! Sam
I made some calls locally around here for some info...and what I have found out about that motor is that it has a distributorless ignitiong i.e. no place to put a distributor....and also has a specific timing cover with no provisions for a dipstick, and also I was told there is no headers that will bolt up to the gt40p heads.....i dunno.....but I think I am just going to go with a late model 5.0 HO out of a mustang or lincoln..... About the fuel injection I have thought about it, but I kinda like the clean old school carburator look........I might go that route someday....but now I want something a bit more old school, and cheaper....although this hasnt been that cheap so far.....
The timing cover can be swapped for the proper one, you may need to do this even on a late model 5.0. Which pulley setup did you buy? There are different front covers, pulleys, and water pumps for standard and reverse rotation. You will need the correct front sump oil pan. There is a place for the distributor it has an insert in it that has a gear to drive the oil pump and possibly a computer sensor hookup. The headers will bolt up, there are guys on here running those heads but they use heat sleeves and short spark plugs. I think clearance is more of an issue on the GT40P heads.
As stated ... any late model 5.0 engine can be converted to carburation ... I just did it on a 1995 5.0. It helps to have an early 302 for parts. You will need: Intake & carb Distributor Mechanical Fuel Pump A 2-piece fuel pump ententric 302 oil pan and pick-up Oil-slinger 50 oz flywheel .. don't use the balancer or flywheel from a 302 Timing chain cover with fuel pump boss Total Performance is a divisions of Ford Motorsports that specializes in the parts necessary to do the swaps. I bought the z-bar mount, 50oz 164T flywheel and the 2-peice eccentric from them. They will also fax you directions and a checklist of what you need.
Mr. Hines, Do you have a web address or a phone number for Total Performance? Are any of the parts you listed, besides the flywheel/flexplate special pieces needed for the conversion of a late roller cam 5.0 for installation in a 71 Grabbber? I know I will need a late engine (50 oz) balance flex plate for my C-4, but won't all of the other items like the front cover, fuel pump drive, oil pan & pick-up, etc... from the original 1971 302 work on the 1991 5.0 I purchased?
I havent actually seen the motor it is at a junkyard in tolland, and I had one of the guys there go look at it...he said it looked like aluminum heads....I thought the gt40's were aluminum?...hmm I dont know, I am starting to get all mixed up on this stuff... but he did say it had an engine code of p...the motor is still in the truck, so I dont know how well he could see the heads....I dunno... I think I am back to just a normal late model 302 block...out of a mustang of lincoln or something.... on another note....which motors had the reverse flow water pump, and what difference does that make to me....??? Diana
The explorer would probably still be your best bet. reverse flow water pump means it won't work with Maverick water pumps and pulley systems. If you're using all of their stuff, it means nothing. If you're using Mav stuff, you need a timing cover and water pump. I've been told the reverse rotation cools the heads better, so it may be worth keeping on a performance engine.
I have bought that exact same motor out of a 99 mountaineer. It has GT40P heads with the different spark plug angle that won't work with most headers. search threads for headers and some will say " mine worked fine with those heads" but they don't know what brand they are. The intake is virtually the same as a a "GT40" on the lower and can be sold off to recoupe expenses. there is a distributor shaft with some sort of sensor on it that can be removed and replaced with a distributor. the water pump indeed runs reverse but the whole explorer/mountaineer setup is shorter overall than any other and would be valuable to someone looking to V-8 a ranger. it has no room for a fuel pump or an eccentric so I changed everything from the long block out. retrofitting without a single problem. Mine wasn't painted from the factory and when my friend saw it on the stand in the raw he thought they were aluminum too. In fact when I took the GT40P's to the portmaster he said "feel how heavy these are? that means they have more iron to work with, very good heads." and depending on how much work gets put into them they flow better than any head available on a engine. not counting X or Z GT's that can be bought from Jegs, Summit elsewhere but not from a salvage yard.
Diana, Time for someone to play "Devil's Advocate" here. You need to stop right now and formulate a PLAN. You've already bought an aftermarket serpentine setup but you don't have an engine yet? Putting the cart before the horse aren't you? Sounds to me like you're getting a lot of misinformation from too many sources. Several people on this board (from what I've seen) are very informative and can help. However, you need to have a plan as to how you are going to use the car, your budget for this plan, a basic idea of what you "want" and what you "need" (those two are mutually exclusive), and in what order you plan to purchase these items. Get out of the junkyards if you're looking for an engine. Chances are.....it's junk (hint: that's why it's in a junkyard). You're looking in the wrong places. Sit down with a clean notepad and a pencil. It may take you a while to get it all down but you must have a plan or you'll end up spending too much money on wrong stuff, buying things twice, buying junk, etc/etc/etc. This is how project cars get lost.