I want a different grill. Seems to me that the ones on the mavericks are just to thin, anyone ever used something else? I'd like a honeycomb grill, how hard would that be to make? Any other idea's? Any before you say it, no DAB I don't want that 72 brush guard option
Just a thought, but there seems to be a very wide selection of aftermarket grills for pickup trucks. Some of today's pickup trucks have such a wide front end, that you could likely shop the grill section of the aftermarket section for say a dodge, find a style you like, and cut it down to fit the front end of the mav-- I am sure you'll find a honeycomb out there that you can modify
I wish the grills were crome or something and not plastic because mine is SOOOO messed up but the cool thing is you can't see the big chunks missing from it unless you lift the hood up
chrome grills they did make chrome grills. they were plastic but chrome and they looked REALLY nice. Dennis has none and man its pretty!
Interesting options... Went junking today to find something to work as a custom grille, since mine got smashed by a guardrail. Found grilles from an old Fairlane and a '73 Plymouth Fury. If I remember to, I'll keep alcon (all concerned) posted. Yours, Atzy.