Hi all, I've looked through the following site (http://home.comcast.net/~petebre/maverick/decode/), and most of my questions have been answered, except the date codes. Whomever did this site, did a wonderful job, but clarification on 9: Date Code is nowhere to be found on any year models. I understand the D3 explanation, and my '76 will be D6, but I don't see a D6 anywhere on my information plate. Where do I find the day codes on my Maverick? I'm looking at buying a new power steering valve, and right in the middle of '76, they changed from flare-fittings to O-Ring style. I'm certain that I need the flare fitted type, but would like to corroborate that with my data plate. FYI, Here's my Info: Date: 01/76 (This would appear to tell me that it was made in January of '76) VIN: 6K91L134041 Body 62A Color 3EHW Trim QB Trans W Axle 6 DSG 75 Thanks for the assurance that my thinking is correct. -Eric
I don't know of a day code. Only way I know how to get an actual build date is from Kevin Marti, Marti Autoworks, a Marti report. I think he does mavericks, not sure what year he goes to. But parts like this are usually spec.'ed by the month/year date or serial numbers, the last part of your vin. Such as before serial number 55578 - xxxxxx part, after serial number 55578 - yyyy part. Or before 6/76 this and after 6/76 that. And then you can still get the wrong one of course.
I dont know of any other way to find a build date than to use an outside source such as Marti. Unfortunately Marti only goes up to 1972. IF you Write Ford a letter at the provided address, along with your Vin#, you might find what you want. Ford Customer Assistance Center 16800 Executive Plaza Drive PO box 6248 Dearborn MI 48126
I can't remember exactly which vehicle it is but in my travels there is a car that for certain parts they will ask you if it was built before or after Jan.15. You then look at the date on the door decal and it shows 01/? (I think it was '99) so you know it's Jan.but no exact date. This could've been a Taurus but I can't say for sure. If you're lucky enough to still have the build sheet for the car (found under the rear seat base, I think is where it was), it will show the exact date. I had a look at mine and it showed day "05" and month "C", meaning March 5. Hope this helps.
Rob, that's exactly my problem. When looking at hoses in my AutoKrafters magazine, the Cylinder Hoses show "200/250 from 4-5-76 and 302 from 1-5-76 to 5-6-76" Okay, so what if mine (which was originally a 250, but is a 351W now) is 01/76, what if it's "born on date" is 1-3-76? And by the way, getting the pressure hose back into the P.S. Valve is a royal pain the the butt! The flared fitting starts to get tight, and then it breaks loose. I've got some goofed up threads, and I think I need a new fitting, but before I sprung a leak, I took it off and had it back on in 10 minutes, just last week! The threads were apparently good enough then, why not now... Arghhh. I'm frustrated. I'm going to AutoZone to get a new fitting, and going to have a buddy reflare my tube. I'm trying to get this thing rolling so I can take some pictures and show y'all my brand spankin new 17" Cobra R's! Gotta go mellow out with a Dr. Pepper now.... Later, Eric
Yeah, I can hear it now..... First off, me being in the technology field, I know that we're outsourcing most all "Customer Service" jobs to countries with people that I couldn't understand if we were using sign language, so the last thing that I'm going to try to do is explain what I need to a woman from India with more vowels in her name than there are mosquitos in the Delta on a hot summer night. By the way, I broke down and ordered a new P.S. Pressure hose from AutoKrafters. If it's the wrong one, I'll send it back and try again. I give up. -Eric
Eric January 5, 1976 was a Monday. Ford probably had production shut down for the Christmas holiday's until that date. Basically January 5, 1976 was the first production date in that year. http://www.flicklives.com/Timeline/1976_cal.html