I went to the Mall of GA earlyer and left the Mav sitting in the parking lot for about an hour and a half. Come back out and notice something don't look right. Someone stole the Maverick emblem off the trunk lid! :16suspect To be honest it was kind of funny that there was anything worth stealing on the car. I have a spare on my 4 door, question is what do I use to stick it on? Dosen't seem like regular old super glue would hold that thing on there very long. I can't really tell what was used to hold it on there before.
Don't assume it was stolen. The one on my 1974 literally fell off. When I bought the car the previous owner said she had came out one day and the emblem was laying on the ground and had fallen off. She didn't know how to put it back on so she wrapped it in a paper towel and put it in the trunk. I put it back on using 3M emblem adhesive. Clean up the area and remove and dirt, dust or grease. Since you are not replacing it with the same emblem like I did you will have to remove whatever rubber backing is still there and getting one off another decklid is a pain. If you have a spare Maverick Grill emblem it is the exact same emblem but has the orange layer stuck onto the adhesive. You can peel the orange off a Grill emblem and then use it on the decklid.
I've got an adhesive remover from 3m that looks like the gum erasers I used in art class in grade school It fits in a drill works great removes all the junk and wont hurt the paint.
well if it was stolen it just proves what high class collector cars these mavericks are!!!most likely stolen by one of those punks in the 2006 chargers.i cannot believe you would park the car without notifying the local police so they could stay close enough to arrest the purps!!!
wanna buy it back? Seriously, sorry to hear it, but it could have been worse, cut tires, broken glass etc.
Mann that sucks i just hate those kinds of people why cant they just go to the junk they only cost like $1
I'm about 99% sure it was on there when we went in the mall. I'm sure some punk kid probably took it, theres alot of those types that hang out around there. It's no biggie though. We were actually laughing about it as we were leaving. I'll just stick another on. Luckily my gas cap has a wire type thing that bolts on in place of one of the screws that hold the filler neck on. You would have to use some wire cutters to get it off. I did come out of a Wal-Mart one day to find it hanging open by the wire thing. Made me wonder...
Hey Jamie, I liked your observation of today's youth. "I'm sure some punk kid probably took it, theres alot of those types that hang out around there." Hmm.... you are around the same age as them, and you were at the same place as them. Think they may have the same thoughts about you? My wife is a psychologist, and statements like that make me think, so these are just observations.... not meant any disrespect at all. I've heard nothing but great things about you. I do agree however.... someone that would take an emblem off of a maverick, is just being mean. No sense at all. You could do what I did.... SHAVE 'EM OFF! -Eric
It was more then likely just some random person. I go to a high school with over 4,000 students and know alot of people, but I doubt it was anyone I know unless someones two faced.
I agree, and I also think that there are just some people that have no hope. It was just interesting to hear your opinion on it.