i was looking at this picture and did you guys notice the shock tower braces on this car not to menation the shock? anyone know if that the way mavericks came over seas or you guys think is custom?
"there seems to be something on the other side that caught my eye first." there's a car in the pic. i didn't notice. i will have to go back and look...frank...
Well everything in the motor seems stock so why would they change tower braces? :16suspect At least that's what stock Maverick and Comet motors look like here in VA.
Swapping to that style would allow a full range of Mustang shocks to be used ... wonder if that style Mustang mount is a bolt on ..
Probably has one of those bolt on mustang coil over set ups. Like in the latest Mustang & Fords magazine.
Those came with the Shelby Mavericks that had a factory 4-speed and sometimes also came on the Maverick hatchback.
im still trying to figure out whats different about it.. you talking about the top piece that bolts down to the tower? and brace that runs from it to the middle of the car? whats wrong with it? isnt that the way its supposed to be?
oh nevermind i see it now.. my eyes had to focus. your talking bout the striaght vertical piece right?? the way it mounts to it??
More importantly, who makes that blower?!? I cannot find a blower for a small block ford, only for chevy. Didn't mean to steal this thread. I have seen those same towers, etc (minus the one in white shorts) on other cars in the Maverick pictures on this forum. I would rather see mine without towers altogether...
My dad had a blower for a couple of years that he was planning on putting on his Comet, but never got around to it before he sold it. If I remember right, it was OEM for some kind of big GMC truck, but was almost bolt on with the right parts. I can't remeber all the details now, but thats just off the top of my head. It looked alot like that one. Hell, I think it still may be burried out in the shed with all the other car parts he collected over the years. I'll go look here in a few minutes and I'll get a pic if it's still out there.