I recently bought (for a awsome price) a 74 comet GT . The only problems it has are cosmetic. and one is the steering wheel.I dont know if this is true or not but i read that part of the comet GT package was the leather bond steering wheel . and since im looking to restore this car as close to orginal as possible i was wondering if it would be worth my time to restore the steering wheel to . Or just buy a new one....? either way i still love my car !!!
If you are truly going for the "original" resto, i would definately restore the wheel. I personally find them to be i nice part of the interior. On the other hand, i have a thing for aftermarket wheels that are wood with metal spokes. They are very tasteful and seem to fit well with most older cars. It all boils down to what you prefer, but those are the two routes i would go.
The '73/'74 and maybe '75 GT's did come with a leather wrapped steering wheel. It was the stock single horizontal padded spoke wheel without the grip indentions that standard Comets/Mavericks came with. the leather was a sewn on wrap with tiny holes punched all the way through. I had the original wheel on my car when I got it ('84) but the leather was long gone. I have a pic somewhere of a '74 with that leather wheel. E-mail me if you would like to see it. Seth redcometgt@aol.com
awsome cause other than the center peice (the cap that holds the horn esmbely down) the wheel is in awsome shape... now just to find one of those