OK I'm still looking for spindles for the disk brake swap and having a hard time buying anything site unseen from someone online. Also if you search on carparts.com you get prices from $ 125 to $ 25. I get the whole rating thing but that is a huge price difference? These are heavy and not exactly cheap to ship either. Are these that difficult to find, or should I keep searching locally? Gotta admit I probably haven't exhausted the regions salvage yards, but the up side to online shopping is it's less time consuming.
zoojon, I see your in the ATL. You have alot of fellow Mav/Comet guys all around you locally who could probably help you out. I know of at least one yard where there is a Granada with discs, it's all how hard you want to work to get them. Buying them on the net is definately easyer then spending several hours in a (very hot) junk yard trying to pry tie rods and stuff off. If you buy it online just ask for lots of pics first to make sure is the only thing I can tell you.
Don't mind getting dirty! Were's that granada? I guess I just need to sit down with the phone book like the old days and start calling yards to find out who has what.
it's usally best to just go there,if you call and ask for a specific item they tend to jack up the price just my observation here in SC
we'll I got out the phone book late yesterday and that was fun! I got at least two "what kind of car"?, one guy screaming to another guy " hey do we have any Mavericks or Montego's....", and one guy flat out laughed at me and said "you are about 20 years too late on that one". I'll keep trying. I gotta admit it's going to be worth it when I get this thing on the road.
zoojon; if you go to www.pullapart.com, you can check their inventory. Better than going there and not finding what you are looking for. Good luck!
are the front disc brakes that hard to find south of the border? I know where three sets are available off of mav/comets locally..... if they were not so expensive to ship i would pick them up..... if someone really needs a set I could go get a set but i don't know what he would want for them and i don't think the shipping is gonna be cheap
Actually, the spindles are the big thing... All the other parts can be bought new, without core charge, at a parts house. You would probably want to do that with junkyard brakes anyway, so the shipping would be a waste for anything other than the spindles. Dave
does anybody know what other models use the backing plates i got a set of spindles no backing plates i would think most early ford products with disc would be the same?ron
70 Mustang spindles swap, so backing plates might. My uncle used 68-69 Fairlane/Montego spindles and discs on his 70, but I think they are a little different, so back plate may not swap. His brakes bolted up to the Mav, but use different parts than Granada/Maverick. Dave
so mustang spindles swap too? I've been wondering that? Been sticking to the Mav/Comet Granada/Monarch route. I would think if there were a mustang swap that worked those would be easier to find with the gazillion Stang stores out there. Jon
The spindles bolt up. I think the thing is that if you use Stang spindles, then you must use Stang rotors, calipers, hoses, etc... Make any sense? The Granada/Mav spindles will fit 65-70 Stangs, but you then must use the matching calipers, rotors, so on... Common swap for Stangers. Dave
The yard it's in is called Johnsons. It's down of I-75. I didn't personally see the car, my brother did. Sounds like your pretty close to me. I go to the Norcross Pull-A-Part all the time, sometimes several times a week. I live off I-85 north exit 111. Hang a right go 3 red lights and my neighborhood is the first on the left.