Id buy one or 2. Would prefer the Comet/Comet GT shirt as well but would buy a Maverick one. Great price on the shirts.
Nostrils! I think i'm done with the artwork - here it is. I'll probably have these printed and available in 2 or 3 weeks. Planning on doing red and blue for sure right now If anyone is interested in a large print around 16" to 18" wide with the same color as your car - $16.00 free shipping. or Shirt and print for $30 free shipping I can modify this to look exactly like your Maverick - Wheels, paint, hood, etc. $20 to $50 depending on the amount of changes. - free shipping. Thanks guys!
Holy Crap ... that is awesome!!!!!!!!!! I would like two in Large with a Yellow outer stripe on the side stripes like the car in my Sig ..... Can you do them on a Gray Shirt?
Thanks DM! I'm really happy with the way it came out. They will be on a gray shirt. Unfortunately I can't do the yellow outer stripe on the shirts, but if you'd like a nice print i can do that for you.
I'll take an XL in red unless it's 100% cotton then I'll take an XXL. I have a couple ideas I'll share with you: 1) In the middle of a herd of horses (mustang emblems) stands a lone bull, caption is either "stand out from the crowd" or "dare to be different". 2) Same thing but this time the bull is running at the front of the horses, caption "every herd needs a leader". 3) Stylized Maverick emblem with the caption "steer clear". 4) Not sure what the image would be but I'm thinking a play on the running of the bulls in Pamplona. Caption "This in one Bull you DON'T [or CAN'T] run with!" I'm no artist so feel free to use any of these if you like them. Maybe kick a little $ my way if they make you a mint though!