Well with all this talk about round-ups and stuff I thought I should get back to working on mine. The goal is to have it running in time for fabulous fords show and drive it back to the 06 round-up along with Tammy's car. Here's what it's looking like now, I just started fabing up the new dash. I also got the Cavalier seats mounted in the front the rears are just setting in place.
all i can say is wow. i wish i had 1/4 the talent you have. guess i don't need to go to the 06 roundup and try to get the long haul award.
Nice, Tom. I like the dash mockup, and the seats look good. Maybe make it to the '06 Roundup, and see it.
Looks awsome. Keep us updated with pictures on the interior. What are the guages out of? I may so a ford with Chevy seats????? Atleast it is not a GM engine.... Keep up the good work.
The only thing chevys are good for is parts (the drivetrain ain't even worthy of that) Hard to say, but from what I can see the gauges look like late 90's Mustang gauges. Looks good!
Close they are 94 thunderbird (eletric speedo...no more cable yeepee) Here are the drawings I made to make the dash from. Kind of a mix of the 05 mustang and 05 f150. Me and Tammy made it to the 02 round up with her car (no a/c for that trip )
"Some Assembly Required" I know you'll get it done and get it done right. Continued success and keep us posted.
Ahh, my mom used to have a '93 T Bird. I knew those gauges looked firmiliar, just couldn't put my finger on it. What size wheels and tires do you have and what did you do to make them fit?
Jamie, the answer to that question is going to blow your mind. Pictures are gone, but here's a thread about it: http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=4631&highlight=thomas+hackmann+jaguar
So is the new car going to have air? And if so, will Tammy get dibs on driving it? Caint wait to see this one. Totally amazing.
Tammys car always had A/C. Some bonehead drilled through the compressor housing when he was finishing the car up for Roundup. They sure looked hot when they got to KC.
That's correct Matt I wonder who the bonehead was Tammy's a/c has sence been fixed and works great. Jamie, The front and rear suspension are from a Jaguar XJ6 I also trimed the fenders the wheels are Y2K cobra R's 17"x 9" 255 front and 275 rear. The engine will be a street boss 302 with Aussi heads, custom made valve covers and a buch of little odds and ends. This is what it looks like with most of the parts on.
Hey Tom its good to know your still working on it. And always progress pictures are always good to see. Keep up the work...