Apology accepted Ward, but personally I think WAY too much is being made out of this. I think it was handled properly and am very surprised that it's even been brought up here. I'm not a big drinker and I don't condone drinking on the show field but quite honestly, if I had noticed it I probably would not have even thought anything about it. At any rate, I think we ALL learned something so lets just go on and continue looking forward to next years show. I guess we could just maybe lock Ward --> up in the back of Wes's patrol car to keep him out of trouble...but ya gotta do what ya gotta do! See you guys again next year!!!
I guess we learned that we can't have a MCCI event out west with a rule like that...just kidding. Actually in Kalifornia if you want to drink alcohol at a public event you have to go to the tiny little designated area and be strip searched and present multiple ID's and then pay $8 for a Bud and everyone outside of the caged in area looks in at you like you are some kind of loser with a drinking problem. Anyhow, sorry to comment on the topic but I will try and go to an event out west and I'll just have to go racing nearby whether it is part of the event or not. The Maverick people out here I've met are great, and me, my wife and kids would love to meet more.
Hi all, I just got back Wednesday from Virginia with my new Grabber...long trip, long story. Anyway, I don't know how drinking came up, but moving right along. Before I left I found out some more info about Eureka. For family people (myself included) there are several possible destinations for group outings: http://www.eureka-california.com/attractions.htm http://www.humboldtbayinn.com/todo.html http://www.redwoodvisitor.org/ The old town area looks like an ideal place to "park and show". There's also a local "oldies" (when did Styx become oldies?) radio station that I can contact. They might be interested in broadcasting from the meet, or at least swinging by. http://www.cool1055.com/ For those really wanting drag racing there is the possibility of getting in on local action rather than renting the track. http://www.samoadragstrip.com/ I can check with the owners about pricing for entries and when open events are held...I'm not a racer so I have no clue about this stuff. However there already seems to be a local Maverick at the strip. Go to "Racers Rides", "Pro" and look 1/2 down the page for the red 1970 Maverick. So, IMHO this could be a great location for a western regional meet...I just need a California guy to verify this isn't a lame site. For the party folks I'm sure there are local bars or restaurants where the activities can continue after hours and away from the meet itself. P.S. It kinda looks like I've volunteered myself to be one of the organizers for this debacle...er...event, so I'm looking at planning this for summer '06...probably July-August depending on local weather patterns. I also think this first event should be open to non-MCCI members in order to attract more folks...if it's a success then it could actually help membership.
Cool...looks good to me! This is within my driving range...I'm not sure I could go much further, eh! MavMike..you are doing a great job on this and I for one appreciate all your efforts...keep up the good work! I really hope this pans out!
Drag strip Lots of open dates at the Eureka strip, looks like they only use it two weekends a month, same as Fallon. I'll call them tomorrow.
raced with some guys from that area the last two days, they were in town for the studebaker meet. we talked racing and they said their track is like 8' above sea level, racing on the beach! they told me about the street racers and how they do their thing is you can buy a raffle ticket since there are so many racers and the winning ticket gets to race the cops. once you hit 60' or so they turn on their light, sirens and the chase is on, if you beat them you get a sticker that that says "I outran the cops". lots of photo ops. sounds like a fun time. hope this can work out and maybe I"ll have my 70 ready by then.
I would be down with Reno, NV. Hotel's are enexpensive, food is reasonable and the drinks are free while gambling. Summit Racing in Sparks or even the Reno Hilton would be a good place to hold the show. Summit would good & bad. Good to buy and look at parts. Bad, spend all your gambling money. They both have nice size parking lots, especially the Hilton. The Hilton also has Go Karting and a mall with a movie theater in the Hotel. My only question about Eureka, what's the weather like during day in the summer? I know Reno is usually in the upper 80's during the summer months. We could always do a Mini-Meet during Hot August Nights. But it might be too late to get rooms. It's usually booked a year in advance. If anyone is interested in Sacramento. There is a local track out here that is open every Friday night and they can come see the Governator too. I would be willing to help out. Maybe we can talk about it at the Ford Fun Show show in Vallejo.
There have been some good suggestions here, and Blk70mav's weather topic was a perfect segway to my concerns. The major thing that makes me wary of Eureka is the weather. It is almost always foggy there in my experience. My brother lives year round and goes to the College up there, and it's foggy/overcast most of the time he tells me. I don't know about others, but at a car show/meet I like to have the sun out, and not have to bundle up. Not a deal breaker, per say, but worth bringing to attention. I was also thinking about the track at Sac, but because I'm not from around there, I don't know about other activities and lodging. I feel Sac would be a pretty nice location if there are things to do. It's pretty central in relation to places to cruise. Reno would be cool as well. Lots to do and lots to see. It might be too expensive or hard to find somewhere to hold it there, but who knows. I was also thinking that a location in Sonoma County would be very nice. Not because I live here, but because of the proximity to beautiful places to go and see. San Francisco is a short drive, and the coast is a short drive as well. Lots of good photo ops/stopping places depending on how many cars. Lots of other stuff here, and around, in wine country. If anyone else is interested in a Sonoma County location I'll write some more info up and post it here for you all. Let me know. All in all, I don't really mind where it is held, but a good location with nice facilities and places to go and things to do are what is important. Keep up the good ideas. -Corbin
About Sacramento, it has quite a bit to do. There is Old Town Sacramento with it's many water front stores, restaurants, and the California Railroad Museum. There is Race Place Motorsports, which is indoor karting. There is the 2 time AAA World Series Champion River Cats basebal for people who want to go see a baseball game. For the people who want to drag race, there is Sacramento Raceway. They have Wednesday night fun drags and test & tune every Friday night. I know they hold a Ford only show & race called Ford Lovers West Coast Nationals. But that is usually held in May but could be a good start to test the waters and see how many people show up. There are plenty of hotels here in the Sacramento area. I do like the Sonoma idea too. Infineon Raceway is close by and all the wineries for the wine drinkers. My only wish for this meet is that it just not be the same weekend as the Fram Autolite Nationals in Sonoma.
Thanks Corbin and Blk70Mav, that's the kinda info we need. So Sacramento, Reno or Sonoma Region...hmmm. I guess we need a place that's not too crazy for families and not so sedate the single people fall asleep...a bigger city would be a safer bet the first time out. I'm at work right now but I'll post tonight. Mike