I had a couple of the Maveicks out today, and while I was out, my 74' started sputtering, and would not idle on it's own. The car was running really rich, lot's of black smoke., by the time I was heading back home, I had to keep my foot in it in order to keep the speed up, and would lose power going up hills. I came home and parked it, and I just went out to move it, and it started then stalled, and now it won't start at all. Anyways it's too late tonight to do anything, but I thought I would here and try to get a few ideas as to where start looking. I am thinking points might be shot, but I haven't looked at anything yet. Thanks, Dave
Sounds like it could be some junk caught in the needle and seat keeping it from being closed by the float. Just a guess, but that's a pretty easy thing to have happen.
Luckily the needle is very easy to get out. Just unscrew the elbow thing that the filter is screwed into at the carb. My car was acting similar a while back. I had forgot to put the needle back in the carb. I actually drove about 3 miles to school and back with no needle what so ever in the carb.
It's a 250. I went thru a 1/4 of tank faster, than I ever have. The car was coming off the expressway, and then stalled. That was the first sign of problems. I was able to start it last night, just long enough to move it. I didn't get a chance to do anything else with it. No doubts about it, it's running rough and rich. The engine sounds like it is just plain bogged down. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to trouble shoot the carb? Thanks, Dave
See if you can get it running with the air cleaner off long enough to glance down the venturis and see if there is fuel dripping out of the boosters. if there is, its probably the needle and seat or (much less common) a collapsed float. Time to pick up a rebuild kit.