i was wondering if i was the only kid in high school that is into cars(besides rice burners )? is it me or should more kids my age learn about classic and muscle cars and listen to music like Boston. Boston rocks! I take that back there are probably 3 other guys at my school that know what muscle car is. do yall like the idea of starting a car club at a high school:bananaman . im thinking about doing it.
When I was in school, the guy that wasn't into cars was sayin' that... I look back now, and I don't regret being into cars, but I wish that I hadn't been all consumed. I was more into cars than school work, chores at home, and eventually working. This led to being almost last in my class (it's a wonder I graduated), bad relations with my relations, and several dead end jobs as a young man. I was mechanically minded, so I went into auto repair, but I soon found that I loved working on my car, but hated working on anyone else's. Do what you are doing, but don't be consumed. Get your life ready for the long term and while away your free time enjoying your car. Good luck Dave
all honors for me i love cars and i am in all honors classes and i make great grades. i plan on going to college to be an anitheisiologist(the person that puts people to sleep). I also have a good job and im not even 16 so i can pay for the stuff for my maverick.
should learn to spell anesthesia first there honor student! All kidding aside, ratio 411 gave some some awesome advice. heed his voice of experience.
lol. I got a kick out of that too. I think antitheisiologist would be someone studying the anti-Christ. Or at least anti-religion. Welcome aboard devil-boy. Good to hear another youngster that likes the good stuff.
one of the things here in az. at all the racetracks, they have a high school class. some real good racers in those classes. when they move to the other classes after high school, they are deadly on the tree. in tucson the high schools even have there own cars sponsored by some of the local businesses.
well i'm 16 and i'm into cars not alot now though since skool(i like to spell it this way) started.and whats the problem with rice burners some of them are cool.at my school's there a few guys with muscle and classic cars incuding El camino II 74 mav grabber 2 67-69 ponies nova 393 never liked boston alot but every one has the right to there own music.what you consider as good music other people may consider as dumb stuff.for my self my favorite band would have to be led zeppelin
I would suggest ....you and your buddies start a car club of the American Muscle Cars and leave the Rice on table where it belongs
nope sorry ur not alone.... we have a fairlane and me at my school ...and really thats about it.... people look at me weird when i blare chicogo and skinard ...idk why .... btw all these ricers wanna race me ... stay away from that ... i dont wanna loose my car ... how ever .... wont hurt to take em to the track .....oh yh that be awsome to have a car club at school ....
hey i'd be carefull with those "ricers" alot of em run 12's and 11's at the track well those who know how to do it hehe, never under estimate who you race