It was a beaut! If you didn't live to far, there might have been some good parts for that price
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm an eBay novice. Wouldn't you think the seller would put at least a nominal amount, say $100, as a reserve? eBay gets a piece of the action, so what did he clear, 5 bucks or something? Tom
Now that is a Defenite project car . I can see that thing being fixed up though and with project cars or parts cars you don't want a high initial investment I'd say dude got a great deal.
mine was close i purchased my mav for 10 dollars!! i was a freind of theirs and they wanted it out of their yard...they hated the thing..i always wanted to have it. so finaly i got it!! i cant wait to seetheir faces when im finished with it. they will wish they never gave it up!