Total Performance has everything you need to do the conversion .. that's where I got my flywheel and eccentric ... you should install the oil slinger ... pretty sure it oils the fuel pump eccentric - unless of course you are not gonna run a mechanical fuel pump ... but then you don't need the eccentric either. 5.0's run electric fuel pumps and have no eccentric ... so no oil slinger. ... They do not have a website .... 586-468-3710
I decided to do a similar setup. I'm going to run a 93 5.0 H/O out of an LX Mustang. That's a roller, right? I'm also gonna run the AOD because it was free and rebuilt about 100 miles ago. I'm going to run the fuel injection complete and I'm wondering what do I have to change? Since I need an electric pump, I believe I can get away with just changing the pan. Am I correct? Now I'll just have to figure out a tranny mount and driveshaft length. I've got the shaft from the mustang.
You mean for the speedo, right? That brings up another question. I wasn't sure how I was gonna hook that up. Any suggestions? Stmanser, sorry to hijack your thread but some of this might pertain to your project as well.
The stock roller cam yes, and probabably many (or most) aftermarket, but not all. My Comp roller cam required a cast iron gear because it is not a billet cam. The cam card did not specify, so I had to call both Summit and Comp Cams to verify because I had always heard the same thing about steel gears. They both said my cam required an iron gear.
Crap! I have the same cam in my 99 motor, so it's not billet? I bought the dizzy for a roller cam equipped 5.0 so what will happen? will the harder dizzy gear chew up the cam like everyone tells me will happen to an "old" dizzy used with a roller cam?
Using a cast gear on a billet cam will chew up the dizzy gear pretty fast ... I would assume visa-versa but not sure ...
sorry to resurect this post, but Dan, I have a question for you. I got a timing set that will work with a late model fuel pump eccentric, that I ordered the eccentric for the 95 5.0 from summit. now, do I need to get a new dowl pin so that it goes through the cam gear and sticks out far enough for the eccentric to catch on or am I missing something here. Thanks Shaun
'85-'95 mustang gt motors are all roller.'85 5spd only year for carbed roller factory.'86 has true flattops,but junk heads.TRW forged pistons till '92,'93-up are hyperutectic.'96-'98 explorer,mountaineer 5.0 also roller.'89-'92 t-bird 5.0 supposed to be same as mustang,but with different intake.Since you already have a running 302,the only aftermarket parts you should need are the dizzy gear and the fuel pump eccentric.Good luck,I have a roller in my comet and had one in my old 4dr back in the early '90's.
Actually the one-piece eccentric I got actually included a shortened dowel pin although it turned out my cam already had a short one in it that sits below the surface of the cam gear. There is a tab stamped and sticking out the back of the eccentric and this tab goes into the dowl pin hole. The eccentric is spun by the stamped tab ... not a dowel pin.