Yeah, pics would help. Are you looking to get rid of it right now? Or would you be willing to hold it? I just bought another car so, I need a while to gather up some extra cash.
You're the only one... line. I'll hold it for a while. It's just sitting in the garage, no use to me. Send me an e-mail. Seth
Have used those shifters many times. it all depends on which arm you have on your tranny. if wrong it will shift too soon, meaning it will be in low with the shifter indicating drive. a friend of mine uses them for everything since we can get them from pull-&-save yard for like $12.00. he says they're getting rare and to grab 'em when you can since the newer cars had AOD's and the shifter is different.
Sorry, I haven't had a chance to go back yet. Yesterday I was tired and not in a very good mood to go walking through a junk yard after wrecking my rocker panel. Today I was at a car show most of the day. I'll see if I can get back tomarrow. Gotta get some parts of another car thats there anyways.
Ford_Motorheads, I went back and checked the car today. I noticed on the dash it has a small emblem that LOOKS LIKE it says "Ghia". Anything specific on those cars that are rare/worth anything? My 6 month old Samsung digital camera is screwing up so I couldn't get any pics. I knew I should have bought a Sony... How do I tell if it's a posi rear end?
Posi Start by looking at the label on the B Pillar Codes can be found on You can verify by the rear end tag or if the car is off the ground spin the wheels. First look if it is a drop out style rear to make sure it is an 8"
Yeah, if you can write down everything on the driver side door tag, and send it to me that would be cool. Right now the only thing I can think of is the emblems, you could probably make some bucks off of them. The car is pretty rare itself, because the "Ghia" was a luxury edition. Look for the emblems near the quarter windows, it should have a vinyl top. If you by chance get some pics I could tell you the whole story on the car. Or a good ID on what the car has and looks like will work.
Jamie; if it is a V-6, check the rear end for a traction-lock. Some of them had it, and a 3:42 gear. If it does, let me know and we can talk. Thanks,
It is a V6/C4 floor shift. I will go back first thing in the Morning and take a working digital camera. I can probably get the emblems for like a dollar a piece. I ain't messing with the floor shifter itself. It's nasty. I was going to go back this morning but it has been pouring rain all day.
I've never really been a huge fan of Mustang II's, but that one is nice! Trust me, I know what it's like to have your dad sell an awesome car. Well looks like it's going to be raining on and off again all day today. September was the seconded dryest month on record in Georgia and I guess we're going to be makeing up for it this month. Needless to say I'm not walking a quarter mile out into a junk yard just for it to start pouring on me.
Thanks, that car was pretty fast. Yeah, I can't wait till it starts raining down here. It is starting to cool down here though, we are in the high 90's
Jamie, If ther is alot of M IIs around you I ld love an 8" withsomething a little beefier than my 3.00 even if its an open carrier..... P.S. you could prob make some good pocket cash just pullin cleanin and resellin them on Evil-Bay( the center pumpkins) let me know though thanks Robb