Well.......... My pour mav might not look very nice.........but it will be there....... bigblock and all we made our reservations tonight as well....The Drag races should be lots of fun!!!! And I for one plan on bringing a vidio camera.
I don't know if the Paddock is having another cruise or not. Either way, I don't believe we will be going out there to it. We had to rush thru the dinner to make it last year. Makes more sense to go back to the hotel and bench race and b.s.!! Yes, details about the drag nite are in the newsletter. Drag nite will be on Thursday for MCCI members only (membership has its privledges). I still have to check back with the track, put it will be $500 divided by how ever many racers show up. We have at least 10 now...so that would be $50 per racer. At this point, I would want to keep it all Mavericks/Comets.
I have access to a digital cam corder and the software to edit it with. My dad just got it and i'll be using it to help me tune the suspension on the car. I should be able to get plenty of footage for everyone and if you bring a disc and a stamp I could copy the footage and mail everyone a copy!!
I really think this is going to be the "Best Round-up ever!" I think it will be hard to beat last years, for those who did not make it, last year was pretty awesome!!!!!! But I think Craig is really doing a great job with the MCCI and he really puts ALOT of effort into the Round-up and every year that I have been it gets better! Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones! Thanks Craig for all your efforts!!!!! "Good Job!"
Well...... ...I've been known to be a procrastinator....(Actually I was waiting to get a job and ask off for the Roundup, and I just got the OK today). I just called and made reservations for the event. In order to get a room with 2 beds, there were no more non-smoking rooms left. I had to take a smoking room! Just a heads-up! [The price of cigarettes are getting high. I hope I don't HAVE too smoke]!
Glad to see you are going to be there Doug! Will enjoy visiting with you. I better get off this puter and go out and work on my car,,,, lots to do!!!!!!!! Dan
Well, shoot fire! I better get a move on. If there is one thing that I do want to do its be there this year!
Dennis, I was not kissing #$$.... You know that Susan and Jill made me the executive commander and cheif of the "Round-up Nationals Welcoming Committee" .......I am just getting my "I am running for town mayor glad to meet you can I get your money.......aah.....I mean VOTE!" speech ready.
Well, I'm bringing 2 keys this year so I shouldnt need your services. But you can still have my vote.
Called Friday and made my reservation. Still have smoking rooms available. Unfortunately, I don't think my car will be back together in time. Anyone have a "shotgun" seat available for the cruises? Tom