Hey ya'll, finally--- PROGRESS!!! I tore down the 302 Friday, found a few suprises, (But they were good one's) This engine has aluminum Flat top pistons in it. Perfect condition! That made me feel better. Anyway, I'm putting new main, rod, and cam bearings in (ten thousanths over on main and rod), new cam and lifters ( 204 intake and 214 exhaust) new gaskets, having heads reworked, new timing chain, and new rings. Also high volume oil pump. I hope to have it put together next weekend, so wish me luck. Can anyone maybe run a computer dyno on this combo to give me an estimate on horse-power and torque? I'd appreciate it. Also, am I right that a standard bore 302 has a piston size of 4.00? Just checking. I hop to have it in the mav. in another week or two, so be thinking about me! Preston
Unless your putting a deep sump oil pan, I would not run a high volume oil pump. I have read where it can, under certain conditions, suck a standard pan dry.
I've also heard that a high volume oil pump sucks up more horsepower than it is worth unless your racing.
I have never read that but it certainly makes sense. It takes more effort to move more oil. Did you catch any specific data?
Tru Dat! - even running a deep sump pan. It can pump all the oil to the top of the engine, leaving the sump dry. Now, there is a high-PRESSURE pump which is different (don't exactly know all the specs but my engine builder put one my 347).
i ran the stock pan lost oil pressure when i left the line with a high volume pump went to the milodon 8 qt fixed it i run about 80 lb of pressure with low side rod & main clearance ford has a windage tray for this pan they say its good for 15 hp be sure to silicone the pan bolts if you use one if you are going to race it go to the 8 qt pan safety pays good luck
I have high volume pumps in all my cars and have never had a problem, if you engine pumps all the oil out of the pan then you have a major problem else where in you engine. I have only heard of the high pressure pumps robbing HP. The pump has to run against the high pressure. On the high volume, pressure is the same as stock but the impeler pockets are biger giving it higher volume for the same RPM. Once the pump reaches maximum pressure the pressure releif spring lets oil bleed to the pick-up side of the pump. If it does use more HP to run, it's such a small amount the you could never tell.