Any advice on stainless steel vs ceramic coated headers? Street car, nice cruiser, occasional show. Thanks Dan
My boss's '83 F-truck has coated headers, and have not discoloered yet, I'm not sure if stainless steel ones will or not. I think that I've heard that the coated ones don't transfer as much heat as uncoated ones, but I may be wrong, also make sure that they fit before getting them coated. But I have no personal experience with it, I went the cheap way and used header wrap on mine.
stainless won't rust, or at least won't rust for a longer period of time. Eventually ceramic can crack and let the standard old steel start to rust. If I had the $$, stainless all the way. As I don't, let'em rust... lol
For the best look,go with ceramic.For absolute longevity,go with stainless.Nickel and chrome discolor and rust.The factory uses stainless on the Mustangs etc.5.0 but it is a 400 series stainless.So it will eventually discolor with heat and not look as good.300 series stainless will hold up better in the looks department,but it has a tendency to heat cycle and crack.Someday,I'm going to take a set of the small block High-Performance cast iron manifolds that they put on early Mustangs-extrude hone them and then ceramic coat.That way you would get more flow,have the cast iron for the heat soak protection and the ceramic would also help flow and give the ultimate look.This would be for a street engine of course.
Dan, I think you would be better off with the ceramic coat, not as much for looks as for performance and driver comfort. Ceramic coating was first and formost done for performance to hold heat in the exhaust where it belongs which adds to performance and also adds to driver comfort. It does look good in my opinion but a polished set of stainless headers looks very good also, but they will not hold the heat which adds to driver discomfort and higher engine compartment temps.
What ever you decide, Do Not buy Hooker headers with the Hooker ceramic coating! Their coating is terrible and will come off very soon after you fire the engine. My 6901`s along with another set a guy I know has did this.