I don't get it.I've never had a problem getting in and out of a car with regular doors.I tried to watch that show before,couldn't take it.There isn't any substance to what they do.Its all flash,for the wrong reasons.Like Maverick Man said ,anything can be done,but why? For $1250.00 you could just about convert over to a rack and pinion steering on a Maverick/Comet.Now that would be cool and useful.Just my opinon. Im straying a little here,but,this wheel thing just gets to me.I went to Tire Discounters the other day and all they had in their showroom was these HUGE rims.I mean these things have to be 22-24 inches in diameter.What is going on? Sorry,I just don't get it.
well it all started in the new concpt of "bling" which was started in the Rap industry and it translates like this [if u have $$$-u have bling]so if u have bigger rims then u have more "bling" therefor u have more $$$.but yes it is ridiculus.my cpusin has a Dodeg Magnum he put some 20" rims on it and they were actually nice rode preety weel,thenhe put some 23" on it------and it all when downhill i mean the treads were wering so fast ,u could fell the weight of the car moving i mean it was so horrible he had to change them back.All in all it is just a ad and will fade away.like those can-sized muffler's ,last year i used to see about 20 a day!!!,and yeasterday i only saw(actually i should say heared) 2 [i'm sure glad that fad faded].Maverick Man u make a great point they should do more to then engines they actually did on one show when they did the chevelle they put in a fuel injection CSB with about 350HP.... but again it is "pimp" my ride,and a pimp is a so-called ladies gettter.....he may loook good on the outside but on the inside he may be full of STD's although that would be a better show like "sleeper my car" if they did make a show like that they would have to get alot of emmisions crap on it since the contestent have to be in california and i know u know alll the regulations we have here Know lets all put this this all behind an get back on the search for a Shelby Mav
I agree. 22-24 inch wheels are for BIG TRUCKS. My 9900i Eagle International has 24.5 wheels with 275/85/24.5 rubber. Lets see'em put that big a tire on a pimp wagon! Most of the ones I see look like 4x4s anyway. They will probably go the way of the mini wide tires and wheels sticking out of the fenders 6 inches. I never saw anything wrong with 14-15 inch on cars and 15-16 on pickups. I personally like a tire that has a real sidewall, perferably with raised white letters! Let me get off my soapbox before I get carried away......