btw the car that was in car craft well its up for sale.. must have not loved it that much!
Just thought that someone from the comet club might be real interested in helping this publisher out. In the november issue of car craft on page 100 they are showing a 302 from a mustang gt it's a turbo. they are wanting to put this motor into marerick or simiarly cool car. That it car crafts own words! They are asking for help in finding a clean maverick w/o motor! This story will be covered by car craft. It started with the motor or the mustang being stuck in a telephone pole. they are asking that if you have one that fits that discreption to please contact them at looks like maverick prices are going to jump up again. I really hope someone is willing to help them out or respond to their requests simply put they just don"t know that a similarly cool car does not exist! ps. sorry for not being on the forum for a while. my 347 stroker is here the art carr trany and shifter is here and the new 380 rearend with the detriot locker is here but not in car yet. I have taken the comet down farther than i had origionally planned. wielding and removing 30 some years of road tar. once again thanks for all your help mav/comet forum bad comet! If some one does get involved in this project with car craft please let me know and drop me line.:evilsmile
Thanks Jamie for the nice comments. I only posted the article to be support the mav and comet club. I personaly do not think that the value of these little cars have come along near far enough to snub some valued good publicity. maybe they migh be better off putting the motor in a falcon or fairlane or even an older stang. At least it would be a care that oneone would be able to sell for more than a couple thousand dollars which seem to be the going price for a real clean mav. or comet. I would say that the watermelon project might have been a good name for car crafts old project. I am quite certin the price of a water melon back then has gone up in vale by % points than mavs or comets. I really do appricate you nice comments. I will have over 16k in my comet before i finish it. when do you think i can double my money on it! I sold my 641/2 mustang convertable and in three years doubled my money. hopefully my daughter who is 17 will be able to recoop some of the money I am putting in to this little car that I just happen to like. I guess all the people who put their heart and effort in doing good restoration projects and the one being made into street rod should just wate 20 more years for the bone yards to crush them all up to find value. sorry its not about the money but the attin of these cars to justify our projects then just maybe the money will come so we don't have to loose our butts to a hobbie that we love fixen up ol mavericks and comets. P.s. just for you fouse followers i think you will find him working on an older satlight conversion with a brand new 6.1 dodge hemi. I know you haven't yet heard of a 6.1 hemi so I guess you also don,t know that it will also be offered with a turbo option. check through your old mopar books not real old hent there is a red convertable with a white top 1970 dodge challanger that is a six or so page center fold It has a 5.3 or something hemi it it. he is teamed up whit the fouse fella on the satalight project. he and his wife are my moms next door neighbor. He has already showed me the pic. of the finished 6.1 hemi that going into it. Im sure it will be a 100 k project. I wonder how much money they plan to loose on their project. I hope some people will get my message because for the most part this forum has helped me very much with my project and i have conversed with some real knowledgable and good honest people like jamie.
I got a 71 they can use as long as I get it back when their done. BTW I got an invitation from CC to subscribe for 2 years for $12. Thats pretty cheap.
I've suscribed to CarCraft since 1995. I think I'm paid up until 2008 or 2009. I'm going to merge the two threads about this now.
I'm confused. I was just letting you know there was another thread about it. Didn't know if you were aware of it or not. BTW my dad made back the money he had in his Comet. He had a little over $11,000 in it building it the last time, got a little over $16,000 for it when he sold it.
Yea, I was going to send it in and then read the fine print. $12 + $6 shipping charges. I hate deception.
Have you ever looked at the discount magazine sites? I've never ordered from one but I'm tempted.