Are the window regulators interchangeable between mavericks granadas and mustangs? If so, what years? Thanks Tony
I know the Mustangs are not the same and I seriously doubt the Granadas are too. A window regulator is the mechanism the rolls your window up and down.
Re: Hmmm... If you're serious Atzy, the window regulator is the "sizzor-looking" assembly located inside the door panel that converts the rotating motion of the window crank into lateral movement (up and down motion) of the windows. It's not an easy task to replace them either. Usually they're riveted into place (guess car makers think they'll never break), but more importantly - the access holes (with sharp edges) in the door panel are notorius for leaving 'razor-blade' cuts on fingers, hands, wrists, forearms, etc. The use of gloves and long-sleeve shirts are highly recommended to help 'cut' down on cuts. Tony, I found this site for electric ones if you're interested. They may can help you determine application. Rick
window parts Rick Thanks for the site and the idea. I think it would be easier to go with the electric set-up as you suggest. You are also very correct that the access holes in the doors are flesh rippers. I have lost bits of my carcass dealing with access panels before. I now install flexible rubber door edge guard material around the holes before I start. It is small enough that it can be left on and will not interfer with door panel installation. Best of all, I don't leave any of my parts in the door when I am finished. Tony
Tony, Keep us posted on your choice (electric or "Manuel"). Pics would be nice if you go with the electric set-up. Good Luck, Rick
Will these fit Mavericks/Comets? Hi guys, Do you think these will bolt onto Maverick and Comet doors? Thanks. I don't mind drilling a couple holes, but major mods I can't do. Has anyone used these regulators? Thanks a lot. -Corbin